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PHPinfo help

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i dont know if it posted before, cuz an error occured. but hopefully someone can help me.


i extracted php and installed apache, and i have made a few tests to make sure my apache works. now when i tried to follow the instructions on this site: http://www.php-mysql-tutorial.com/install-apache-php-mysql.php#apache


i restarted apache and somehow i think it didnt recognize php because when i tried to make the test.php with the source code




it only showed this in the exploror window. can someone please tell me how to debug this so that it works? thanks.

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Use full php opening tags - <?php


Don't use short php opening tags - <?


Short open tags are turned off by default in all current versions of php because writing code that uses them results in non-portable code between different server settings.

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It would be near the end of the file. I found it in mine right a way.


I am starting to wonder if the httpd.conf you found and are changing is the one that Apache is using. If you accepted all the default Apache paths... the httpd.conf should be in -


C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf\

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Ok i decided to install the new apache. and now i see that line. thanks.. now let me try to finish the rest without any errors *fingers crossed*


Yes it works!

say, do you know how to delete the other apache from the server list?


also, i noticed your post, PFMaBiSmA:

In addition to those steps, I recommend finding and setting the following common values in php.ini (stop and start your web server to get any changes made to php.ini to take effect) -


error_reporting  =  E_ALL | E_STRICT

display_errors = On


extension_dir = c:\php\ext


session.save_path = "/tmp"


i used the find function and i found there are a bunch of "error_reporting" and i dont know which to replace.. i dont want to screw anything up

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