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Please help (again)


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I cant figure out why when i go to the ?view=smith Link the text i inputed as a text doesnt apear :S



<?php $title = "Gem Store"; include("header.php"); ?>

<b>Store Owner:</b> Welcome to my store! Here you can <i>Buy</i> and <i>Sell</i> many diferent Priceless Stones..<br><br><br> 

if ($stat[gembag] == n ) {

	Print "<b>Store Assistant:</b> You dont appear to have a <i>Gem Bag</i>! How do you expect to collect all the precious stones that are available in this wonderful Town?<br><br>";

	Print "<b>Store Assistant:</b> Here, take this.. Its on the house, but dont get telling people we do FreeBs!<br><br>";

	Print "The store Assistant hands you a <b>Small Gem Bag<br><br><br></b>";
Print "[<A href=seccity.php>Back to Town?</a>]";

mysql_query("update players set gembag='s' where id=$stat[id]");

exit; } 

else {
		Print "<b>Store Assistant:</b> How are you getting on with that <i>Small Gem Bag</i>?<br> Normally you could upgrade that tiny thing! (For a Small Fee) But right now we are out of Stock.<br><br><br>";

Print "[<A href=gemstore.php?view=smith>Visit the Gem Smith</a>]  [<A href=seccity.php>Back to Town</a>]";

exit }

if ($view == smith) {
print "Yaaaarrrr";
exit; }

<?php include("footer.php"); ?>

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Done, now i get this Error.


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in /home/monk3h/public_html/gemstore.php on line 27





<?php $title = "Gem Store"; include("header.php"); ?>

<b>Store Owner:</b> Welcome to my store! Here you can <i>Buy</i> and <i>Sell</i> many diferent Priceless Stones..<br><br><br> 

if ($stat[gembag] == n ) {

	Print "<b>Store Assistant:</b> You dont appear to have a <i>Gem Bag</i>! How do you expect to collect all the precious stones that are available in this wonderful Town?<br><br>";

	Print "<b>Store Assistant:</b> Here, take this.. Its on the house, but dont get telling people we do FreeBs!<br><br>";

	Print "The store Assistant hands you a <b>Small Gem Bag<br><br><br></b>";
Print "[<A href=seccity.php>Back to Town?</a>]";

mysql_query("update players set gembag='s' where id=$stat[id]");

exit; } 

else {
		Print "<b>Store Assistant:</b> How are you getting on with that <i>Small Gem Bag</i>?<br> Normally you could upgrade that tiny thing! (For a Small Fee) But right now we are out of Stock.<br><br><br>";

Print "[<A href=gemstore.php?view=smith>Visit the Gem Smith</a>]  [<A href=seccity.php>Back to Town</a>]";

exit }

if ($_GET['view'] == 'smith') {
print "Yaaaarrrr";
exit; }

<?php include("footer.php"); ?>

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You are missing a semi-colon after the exit on line 27.


<?php $title = "Gem Store";

<b>Store Owner:</b> Welcome to my store! Here you can <i>Buy</i> and <i>Sell</i> many diferent Priceless Stones..<br><br>

if($stat[gembag] == n) {
    Print "<b>Store Assistant:</b> You dont appear to have a <i>Gem Bag</i>! How do you expect to collect all the 
    precious stones that are available in this wonderful Town?<br><br>";
    Print "<b>Store Assistant:</b> Here, take this.. Its on the house, but dont get telling people we do FreeBs!<br><br>";
    Print "The store Assistant hands you a <b>Small Gem Bag<br><br><br></b>";
    Print "[<A href=seccity.php>Back to Town?</a>]";
    mysql_query("update players set gembag='s' where id=$stat[id]");
} else {
    Print "<b>Store Assistant:</b> How are you getting on with that <i>Small Gem Bag</i>?<br> Normally you 
    could upgrade that tiny thing! (For a Small Fee) But right now we are out of Stock.<br><br><br>";
    Print "[<A href=gemstore.php?view=smith>Visit the Gem Smith</a>]  [<A href=seccity.php>Back to Town</a>]";
if($_GET['view'] == 'smith') {
    print "Yaaaarrrr";
<?php include("footer.php");?>

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Done.. No more error But i still have the same probem as before.. the Yaaaar Text isnt Apearing when you click/view the link.


<?php $title = "Gem Store"; include("header.php"); ?>

<b>Store Owner:</b> Welcome to my store! Here you can <i>Buy</i> and <i>Sell</i> many diferent Priceless Stones..<br><br><br> 

if ($stat[gembag] == n ) {

	Print "<b>Store Assistant:</b> You dont appear to have a <i>Gem Bag</i>! How do you expect to collect all the precious stones that are available in this wonderful Town?<br><br>";

	Print "<b>Store Assistant:</b> Here, take this.. Its on the house, but dont get telling people we do FreeBs!<br><br>";

	Print "The store Assistant hands you a <b>Small Gem Bag<br><br><br></b>";
Print "[<A href=seccity.php>Back to Town?</a>]";

mysql_query("update players set gembag='s' where id=$stat[id]");

exit; } 

else {
		Print "<b>Store Assistant:</b> How are you getting on with that <i>Small Gem Bag</i>?<br> Normally you could upgrade that tiny thing! (For a Small Fee) But right now we are out of Stock.<br><br><br>";

Print "[<A href=gemstore.php?view=smith>Visit the Gem Smith</a>]  [<A href=seccity.php>Back to Town</a>]";

exit; }

if ($_GET['view'] == 'smith') {
print "Yaaaarrrr";
exit; }

<?php include("footer.php"); ?>

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