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Can anyone look at this script and tell me what is wrong here. The chart isn't showing any data. My eyes hurt from looking at it, and I still can't find the problem.


$db_server = "localhost";
$db_baza = "husqvarn_web";
$db_user = "*****";
$db_pass= "*******";

$veza = mysql_connect($db_server,$db_user, $db_pass) or DIE('Nisam se uspio spojiti na server'); 
$veza_baza = mysql_select_db($db_baza,$veza) or DIE('Nisam uspio odabrati bazu');

$data = array();
$upit = "SELECT user_id,COUNT(*) as puno FROM narudba GROUP BY user_id";
$rezultat = mysql_query($upit, $veza);
$broj = mysql_num_rows($rezultat);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($rezultat)){

while(list($key,$val) = each($row)){
	if (is_int($key)) continue;
	$GLOBALS[$key] = $val;
$data[] = $puno;

// Kraj kupljenja broja narudžbi
$upit2 = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '$user_id'";
$rezultat2 = mysql_query($upit2,$veza);
$broj2 = mysql_num_rows($rezultat2);
while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($rezultat2)){

while(list($key,$val) = each($row2)){
	if (is_int($key)) continue;
	$GLOBALS[$key] = $val;
//$data[] = $username;
//Kraj kupljenja imena ljudi koji su naručivali
include_once( 'ofc-library/open-flash-chart.php' );
$bar = new bar_outline( 50, '#9933CC', '#8010A0' );
$bar->key( 'Broj narudzbi', 10 );

for( $i=0; $i<$broj; $i++ )
  $bar->data[] = $data;
$g = new graph();
$g->title( 'Internet narucivanje'." ". date("Y"), '{font-size: 20px;}' );
//$g->set_data( $data );
//$g->bar_filled( 50, '#9933CC', '#8010A0', 'Broj narudzbi', 10 );
// ------------------------
$g->data_sets[] = $bar;
// X axis tweeks:
$g->set_x_labels( array( 'Diler1','Diler2','Diler3', 'Diler4', 'Diler5', 'Diler6' ) );
// set the X axis to show every 2nd label:
$g->set_x_label_style( 10, '#9933CC', 0, 1 );
// and tick every second value:
$g->set_x_axis_steps( 1 );
$g->set_y_max( 100 );
$g->y_label_steps( 4 );
$g->set_y_legend( 'Broj narudzbi', 12, '#736AFF' );
echo $g->render();

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