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    Isle of Wight, Uk

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  1. solved it for referance if any ones needs it $expres = "{<loop[^>]*>(.*?)</loop[^>]*>}"; $this->output = preg_replace($expres, "", $this->output);
  2. I have a templating system and I need/want to after the page has gone through the system remove un used "tags" an example is <loop:plists[].sublist> <ul> <li class="subcatlist"> <a href="<tag:plists[].sublist[].plink/>"><span><tag:plists[].sublist[].name/></span></a> </li> </ul> </loop:plists[].sublist> I want to be able to search for <loop:plists[].sublist> and remove everything after that until it finds the closing tag </loop:plists[].sublist> Baring in mind that "plists[].sublist" bit will change from page to page and I want to remove the tags aswell. I hope that all makes sence, thanks alot for any help you can give me Andrew
  3. cheers, ive got it working Andrew
  4. AndrewBacca


    what i want to do is allow users of my site it search my database, using keyword(s) or phrases? for example, if they type \'planets\', then it will list any news/articles with the word \'planets\' in it. and if they enter \'\"jupiters moons\"\' (with the \"\") it will find only the records with \"jupiters moons\" some where in it. im not sure how to do this, so any help would be great cheers Andrew
  5. I use www.freesql.org they are having problems at the moment, but there are very rare and if there do happen its working again very soon. it also has a phpmyadmin page so that you can access you database abd add/edit it. sometimes it runs slow, but you cant expect very much for a free services. it hosts I think its about 15000 database so I would say that others like it including me, and its the only one that ive found that surports external hosts unlike lycos who only give you \"localhost\" for the host name. anyway theres one for ya Andrew :mrgreen:
  6. yes please ive got so far the user can login on one page but not others and ive spent most of 2day tring to work out sessions so some sample code would be great Andrew :mrgreen:
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