Hi Mac
for simplicity, I'll use the healer shop. pretty basic. not a game changer on refresh, but helps to illustrated the dilema:
player pays for x amount of gold to have y amount of hp to be restored.
Does this successfully.
Hitting F5 will of course repeat this, and depleate their bank. But the code and the process in itself is very ugly.(imo)
It is started with a
<a href="?healer&heal">Heal</a>
then php catches it
if (isset($_GET['heal']))
[ process healing code here
So hitting refresh, the "get" is still there. This example works fine regardless if they refresh, but things like combat could become problematic. I've seen several solutions that use cookies/sessions, but then the problem arises of where to UNSET these so you can access the given location and/or activity again (example, if i leave the healer, and then come back, I do not want the session/cookie to think I refreshed the page). Those examples I have found are mostly for app of non-gaming in nature. I am sure I will arrive at something. But its gnawing at me LOL
anyways. hope that helps a little.
thanks for taking time to read this.