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  1. hello, if you help me, i really appreciate it, im working on a script and i have a table called \"users\" and a field called \'emailactive\'. emailactive is a tinyint(1) and default is 0 $activate = mysql_query (\"SELECT emailactive FROM users WHERE name = \'\".$logged_in_user.\"\'\"); $result = mysql_query (\"SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = \'\".$logged_in_user.\"\'\"); if($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo \"Welcome, \".$logged_in_user.\". You are now in the members section!<br>\"; echo \"<a href=\'profile.php?name=\".$logged_in_user.\"\'>Edit your Profile</a> / <a href=\'viewprofile.php?name=\".$logged_in_user.\"\'>View your Profile</a> / <a href=\'upload.php?name=\".$logged_in_user.\"\'>Upload a File</a><br>\"; if ($activate == 0) { echo \"<a href=\'cpemail.php?name=\".$logged_in_user.\"\'>Activate your IS2S email</a><br>\"; } else if ($activate == 1) { echo \"Your email is activated nimwit<br>\"; } but on the last few lines where it says if ($activate == 0) { echo \"<a href=\'cpemail.php?name=\".$logged_in_user.\"\'>Activate your IS2S email</a><br>\"; } else if ($activate == 1) { echo \"Your email is activated nimwit<br>\"; } im trying to say if the field \'emailactive\' has a 1 in it, do this if it has a 0 do this, please help me, thankyou very much
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