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  1. And this appears to have been broken for 3 and a half months now given the date of comments left in discussion. Come on! Someone pull their finger out!
  2. I'm referring to the tutorial here - http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorials/85/13.php Good tutorial except there appear to be a number of bugs in the code that have not been fixed in the actual tutorial code. The bugs indicated and fixed in the discussion list below the tutorial (specifically in my case the file size bug) cannot be accessed because clicking on a discussion node simply brings the node title to the top of the page but none of the content ??!!?!?!
  3. I tried other gd functions and they didn't work either so it appears the host has messed up big time! It appears a security update screwed things up - great! The webspace is really cheap but i didn't expect this to happen!
  4. Hi, I'm using a simple image resize php script to resize images. It was working fine but has now stopped working but can't figure out why! The script is: [code]$src = imagecreatefromjpeg($image);     $width = imagesx($src);     $height = imagesy($src);     $x = $w; $y = $h;     $dst = imagecreatetruecolor($x,$y);     imagecopyresampled($dst,$src,0,0,0,0,$x,$y,$width,$height);         header('Content-Type: image/png');     imagepng($dst);[/code] Its saved as scale_img.php and called from another page like so: [code]<img src="scale_img.php?image=images/horses.jpg&w=100&h=100" />[/code] Is there anything wrong with the php code? It looks ok to me. Could changed php settings on the server ( i use third party) affect it working or not? Other php/mysql scripts work fine
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