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  1. I have a bit of a problem here. I'm fairly new in programming in c but i can write some simple programs. What i wrote is a program that simply encodes my php scripts en decodes them again with the right password. This worked fine when i ran the code just as a c executeable. Now i made a php function of this c code. The only problem is, that when i keep executing my php script the memory keeps remembering my previous values: The code i run throught zend_eval_string (after it's decoded) is: ?><?PHP echo 'good'; ?> the output of this script is for the first time: good the second time: good?>good the third time: good?>good?>good and so on. So the question i have, how can i succesfully fill the memory for just ones and free it after executing my script. The important pieces of code: char * decrypt(char *content) { struct hashdata h[NOOFKEY]; FILE *df1; char c, ch, buf[BUFSIZ], line[BUFSIZ]; int i,x; char * rStr = (char *) malloc(strlen(content)); x = 0; strcat(line,"?>"); for (i=0;i<NOOFKEY;i++) readEncryptKey(&h[i]); strncpy(&c,content+x,1); while(c != '\0') { x++; for(i=0;i<NOOFKEY;i++) c = hash(&h[i],c); sprintf(buf,"%c",c); strncpy(&c,content+x,1); strcat(line,buf); } strcpy(rStr,line); return rStr; free(rStr); } /* implement function that is meant to be made available to PHP */ ZEND_FUNCTION(meradecode) { char *parameter; int parameter_len; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "s", &parameter, &parameter_len) == FAILURE) return; zend_eval_string(decrypt(parameter),NULL,"Meraweb Encoder"); /*RETURN_STRING(decrypt(parameter),0);*/ free(parameter); }
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