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  1. I have this working now, if anyone has a better way, I would appreciate it $namePre = explode('<td valign="top"><h2>',$content); $name = explode('</h2></td>',$namePre[1]); echo $name[0];
  2. I am making a store website, and to add products from the wholeseller they are allowing screen grabs. The Info is displayed, for example like: <td valign="top"><h2>Name of Product</h2></td> All I want is the name. A lot of people have said to use preg_match_all, btu I can't get it to work. Can someone tell me another way or show me an example of preg_match_all getting just the name from the above? Thanks!
  3. PayPal doesnt check if its changed because it doesnt know what to check it against unless you pay for their premium service. I would really like to just be able to submit the form with php so i know that its not changed, ive read about socket connections, but I'm not sure how I would go about using one to submit all those values etc
  4. I have a website built and a shopping cart, I am signed up for PayPal payment standard and have a form all setup to pass the form to paypal as described on their website, like below <form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_cart"> <input type="hidden" name="upload" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="business" value="kmeemail@yahoo.com"> <input type="hidden" name="item_name_1" value="Stugdgdg3000 "> <input type="hidden" name="amount_1" value="100.00"> <input type="hidden" name="item_name_2" value="LOLn 6000 volt"> <input type="hidden" name="amount_2" value="1400.00"> <input type="submit" value="PayPal"> </form> everything works and is submitted as designed, but my concern is the form is susceptible to be changed by hackers. Is there a way to protect against that? Is there a way to just have php submit the data behind the scenes? Anyone else working on a setup like this?
  5. I have a page that uploads and renames images according to the item number so like item_4333_1.jpg item_4333_2.jpg item_4333_3.gif etc. Can someone help me with a script that lists all the files that begin with "item_".$_GET['id'] in a directory such as images/items . Thanks in advance
  6. my problem is consistent across ie5 ie6 ie7 ie8 beta , they all differ from firefox
  7. sorry didnt realize i could just attach picture before. this is the problem in this image [attachment deleted by admin]
  8. As you can see in the image below, the width sizes are significantly different between firefox and ie. i am having this problem with a site im designing but the quick page below shows the gist of my problem http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/3/11/876372/div_width_problem.JPG any explanation or work arounds would be appreciated. thanks
  9. I had been just getting the articles in a table in a range by article id (if page was 2, get between 10 and 20 etc). the problem i realized is if one of the articles gets removed from the tables, there are no longer 10 articles per page as i intended. how can i get around this or what is the best way for implementing a page system?
  10. I just don't want anything html wise or anything that could be injection related, and id prefer to do it on the php end after submission
  11. Basically all I want are alphanumeric and basic symbols allowed. I dont want to allow tags of any sort etc. Right now I have strip_tags() and mysql_real_escape_string to keep safe from rogue user input. Any other suggestions? also, due to other problems i have magic quotes turned off in my config if that changes anything. thanks
  12. Thanks. I've tried a million things and I REALLY appreciate your help
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