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  1. I was using incorrect mysql_fetch_array syntax. (Should not have included $conn)
  2. Hello, I hope someone knows what this problem might be; I have designed and built a website and tested the php/mysql code using phpdev which simulates an apache/mysql/php server using the localhost on my pc. All the queries work perfectly, however I have just uploaded my site to the actual webserver and most of the queries are returning empty result sets! It's like they are there because for instance; a while ($row = mysql_fetch_array.... does return the correct amount of rows! One while loop I have wrapped each result in a div and u can just see empty divs for the right amount of rows!! Another example: I have a database of keywords, a while loop prints each keyword seperated by a comma - the right amount of commas are there! This is an example of a code that is returning empty sets: $query = "SELECT * from company_ins, company_log WHERE company_ins.ins_id = '$typeid' AND company_log.Id = company_ins.company_Id order by company_log.name"; $result = mysql_query($query, $conn); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, $conn)) { if ($row['type_featured'] != 'f') { ?> <div class="linkbox"> <a href="<?php echo $row['link']; ?>" class="link" target="_blank"><strong><?php echo $row['name']; ?></strong></a> <p><?php echo $row['description']; ?></p> <p><a href="<?php echo $row['link']; ?>" target="_blank"><?php echo $row['link2']; ?></a></p> </div> <?php } } ?> I just thought - do you think I need to be using an INNER JOIN select query here? Any thoughts? Thanks! Will
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