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  1. Any site out there with a good reference to the commands of mysql like how to conenct ... and stuff...??
  2. i found how to stold IT OMG! Im soo happy thanks for the help and time provided guys have a nice day.
  3. Okay, Hi I\'m new here Nice to meet you\'ll. Okay Ive been trying to get a good answer since im not soo good with Php/MySQL ive tryed alot, manuels and all those wonderful things and tryed another forum but they don\'t seems to give me the answer I need. What I\'m trying to do is getting the data from `group` where username = $username, what ever it is that is in `group` colum of that row, and echo the data, heres on of the many thing ive tryed and my current code mysql_result doesnt work gives me that error below: Warning: Wrong parameter count for mysql_result() in /home/lexdark/public_html/animegenki/forums/tp.php on line 15 My code bellow [php:1:5da8b6698e] <html> <head> <title>Test Page</title> </head> <?php //Connection! $chost = \"localhost\"; $cuser = \"lexdark_Saizen\"; $cpassword = \"master\"; $cdatabase = \"lexdark_agenki\"; $conn = mysql_connect($chost, $cuser, $cpassword); mysql_select_db($cdatabase,$conn) or die(\"Access to the database has been denied, please report this error to admin@lexdark.com\"); // Actual Codes $fonction = mysql_query (\"SHOW `group` FROM `members` WHERE username = \'Saizen\'\"); $sql = mysql_result($fonction); echo ($sql); ?> <body> </body> </html> [/php:1:5da8b6698e] Thanks for any help u can give me and please make it clear
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