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  1. Now that I think about it... I don't know why. Well that makes it easier. Though I'm still curious about why it doesn't want to tell me that the two identical md5 hashes are the same.
  2. I have been there before. Typically if you are writing something for them, they will own the copyright for it. If you signed a paper or anything, the fine print would probably have said something about that.
  3. Hey all, I'm new. I hope you don't hold that against me. I could really use some help. I have spent the last 3 hours trying to figure out what is wrong with my script. It is a simple login script, data entered by the user is compared with data pulled from a mysql database. It seems to have a problem comparing the password values. I have tried everything that I can think of, yet it has all failed. Any noticable problems? Login.php, user entered information is posted here. [code]<?     require("config.php");     require("include.php");     import_request_variables("p", "pv_");     $pv_pwd = md5($pv_pwd);          $con = mysql_connect($mysql_server, $mysql_user, $mysql_pass);     $sdb = mysql_select_db($mysql_db, $con);     $query = "SELECT username, password FROM users WHERE username='" . $pv_uid . "' AND password='" . $pv_pwd . "'";     //echo "<br><br>" . $query;     $qu = mysql_query($query, $con);     $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qu);         $uid = $row['username'];         $pwd = $row['password'];              if(stringcomp(($uid, $pv_uid, 0) == 1) && (stringcomp($pwd, $pv_pwd, 1) == 1))         echo "Login Success.";     else     {         echo "Login Failed.";         // Next 2 lines for debugging purposes.         echo "<br>$pv_uid == $uid<br>" . stringcomp($uid, $pv_uid) . "<br>";         echo "<br>$pv_pwd == $pwd<br>" . stringcomp($pwd, $pv_pwd) . "<br>";     }     mysql_close($con);      ?>[/code] include.php, where the stringcomp function is located. [code]<?php     //Returns:  0 if both strings are not identical     //          1 if both strings are identical.     function stringcomp($string1, $string2, $toup)     {         $false = 0;         $ct = 0;         if($toup == 1)         {             $string1 = strtoupper($string1);             $string2 = strtoupper($string2);         }         if(strlen($string1) <> strlen($string2))             return 0;         while($ct < strlen($string1))         {             if(ord(substr($string1, $ct, 1)) !== ord(substr($string2, $ct, 1)))                 $false++;             $ct++;             if($false <> 0)                 return 0;             else                 return 1;         }     } ?>[/code] Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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