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  1. I have never used Frontpage, maybe because i couldn't be bothered trying to figure it out and in the end dreamweaver is way better. I must admit that I did use MS Word when I started web design, but I was 12 and had no net at the time!!!
  2. You do not need the HTML tags to view the phpinfo() information, you can just have it like this: [php:1:b727575417]<?php phpinfo(); ?>[/php:1:b727575417] Make sure the doc is in your htdocs folder and then just open it up by having this in your address bar: http://localhost/test.php If the filename is different just make the adjustments as necessary, if the page does not come up make sure that your Apache installation is working: http://localhost/. If nothing comes up then there is a problem with your installation. If Apache 2 is becoming unstable for u, try using Apache 1.3
  3. Hello, I have installed Apache on my Xp system using the .msi installation. But what do I do now to configure it so that when I open up PHP files, it displays the PHP script on the page? I have downloaded and installed php-4.3.2-installer.exe
  4. This is my new query with the JOIN command: SELECT routes.routeid, depart.depart, arrive.arrive FROM arrive, depart, routes INNER JOIN ( depart INNER JOIN routes ON depart.departid = routes.departid ) ON arrive.arriveid = routes.arriveid WHERE ( ( ( routes.routeid ) = 1 ) ) Though it comes up as an error, here is what MySQL said: You have an error in your SQL syntax near \'( depart INNER JOIN routes ON depart.departid = routes.departid ) ON arrive.arr\' at line 1 Got any ideas on how I could fix the problem with the Query?
  5. I agree with you, but Gizoma says: So I have to change the Query, that is the problem, so how can I relate the tables in the Query so the result isn\'t a \"cartesian product\"?
  6. The routeid column is the primary key, thats why when i search for \"1\" in the routeid with the other colums it should come up as 1 YPAD YBAS
  7. Yes, but I want to allow my users to serach for a route by its id. So how do I join the tables together gizmola? Could you give me an example.
  8. Hello, for some reason when input this query: SELECT routes.routeid, depart.departcode, arrive.arrivecode FROM routes, depart, arrive WHERE routes.routeid = \"1\"; Instead of getting 1 result (the actual amount) I get (15376 total), thats alot more then there really are in the tables. Here is some of the weird results I recieve: routeid departcode arrivecode 1 YPAD YPAD 1 YMAY YPAD 1 YBAS YPAD 1 NSFA YPAD 1 YARM YPAD 1 NZAA YPAD 1 YAYE YPAD 1 YBNA YPAD 1 VTBD YPAD 1 YBAR YPAD 1 ZBAA YPAD 1 YBCK YPAD 1 YBTR YPAD 1 KBOS YPAD 1 YBBN YPAD 1 YBRM YPAD 1 SAEZ YPAD 1 YBUD YPAD 1 YWYY YPAD 1 YBCS YPAD 1 YSCB YPAD 1 YBCV YPAD 1 KORD YPAD 1 NZCH YPAD 1 YSCH YPAD 1 YCOM YPAD 1 KDFW YPAD 1 YPDN YPAD 1 WRRR YPAD 1 YDPO YPAD .... Really their should be only one result which is : 1 YPAD YBAS Has anyone encounted this problem when quering many tables and how do you overcome it? Thanx
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