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  1. Oh, man I know somebody who had this problem to, but.... what was wrong again?? don't remember :(
  2. I think you just need to do a few queries...
  3. can you give the script you have for now...
  4. yeah, that I know :p... I'll give another example: In a online game every player has his troops and has his attack power and defence power. Now, if I select the defence from the player that is logged in with query can I get the rank of his defence with a function? So his defence is like 5009 and there is only one player better with 6582 and a lot players are lower... Now, can I ask my database to count out for me that he's defence is the second highest? Or for other players how high their defence is (counted in places)... (get it?)
  5. Why do you need a flash form, just make it php...
  6. Well, you have the file right, then you change your username and password in that file itself: The " $realUser = ""; // what you want your user name to be $realPass = ""; // what you want your password to be. " part. Then if you want to secure a page put this at the top of the page: include "config.php"; authUser(); That's all
  7. Imagine: I have a list of products and they all have their price. [code] <?php    $player=$_SESSION['player'];     $userstats="SELECT * from koc_products where username='$player'";     $userstats2=mysql_query($userstats) or die("Error while connecting to database! Please report this to an admin!");     $stat=mysql_fetch_array($userstats2);    $ranking=[b]thecodeineed[/b]($stat[price]); print(" The product is our [b]?[/b] most expansive product!"); [/code] So as you see the code I need should tell me how muchst he is in the list of most expensive products... Is that understandable? (ps: rank is the number of how high he is ( how muschest)(is that spelled like that?? )
  8. Oke this is the request: Is there a query function or code to do this: I have a database, and there are kind of diffrent number in it: 500 , 360 , 578, 9978, 7589, 125, 154, etc... Now when I select one of those, can I ask with a code with place he has from the top? So: I select the number 578 for example, can it tell me what 'rank' it has? so it should be 3th... Is there a code for that?
  9. man, I really don't understand how to install that! Can somebidy, PLEASE, tell me how to install it in a few staps
  10. but where do I install it or download it or whatever??
  11. well, where do I get that? And it's only me who needs this right. People who visit my website don't he
  12. <?php include("pagename.php"); ?> Then you can use the varibles from your php file
  13. It doesn't work: it doesn't show the image... Do I need that GD2 library maybe??...
  14. mh, looks good... but what is that GD2 library ???
  15. Does anybody know a good script/tutorial for Image Vertification that realy works!! Or you could always deliver me a working one :p But I've search a lot and their was always something good wrong about them... thanks, klaroen
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