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  1. Okay so it would be great if i could get this working properly. I have a little gallery script here that produced using a tutorial i found online. I modified it slightly and it works fine when i use tables. Now iam trying to switch to DIV's and have it place the thumbnail as the background image instead of having it place the thumbnails in a table with cells. It outputs all the correct HTML when you view the source so i have no idea what is going on. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Here is a link to the page that i have been testing it on. [a href=\"http://www.micahg.com/art/arttest.php\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.micahg.com/art/arttest.php[/a] and here is my php: <?PHP //initialize variables $data_file = "list.photos"; $thumbnail_dir = "thumbs/"; $photos = file($data_file); $total_photos = sizeof($photos); $i = 0; ?> <div style="display:block; width:250px; height:300px;"> <?PHP for($i=0; $i < $total_photos; $i+=2) { ?> <?PHP print("<div class=\"test\" style=\"background:url($thumbnail_dir$photos[$i]~.jpg)\"> <a href=\"javascript:photo_open('photo_display.php?start=".$i."','750','715');\"><img src\"../images/spacer.gif\" width=\"40\" height=\"40\"></a></div>\n"); ?> <?PHP } ?> </div>
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