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  1. I see that it broke actually because a scipt was returning data differently than previously(I don't know why this is the case). Anyways, I swapped to the column list where I list the column names then the data that goes in em insert into stats (cola,colb) values($input3,$input4); It made it much easier to see what was exactly causing the error. Thanks for the help
  2. Probably so as it stopped working for no apparent reason. BTW  can you give an example of a column list and why is it preferrable? Thanks
  3. I figured it out. I had to [b]alter table stats add timestamp timestamp;[/b] then when I added data from a script I put null into the timestamp field [b]echo "insert into stats values ( $input4 , $input5 , $input6 , $input13 , $input14 , $input15 , $input16,null );" [/b] the $input#'s are just some script variables I added to the table.
  4. I'm really new to mysql, but I would like to add a timestamp to a row when it is added automatically. Thanks.
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