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  1. [quote author=onlyican link=topic=106745.msg427414#msg427414 date=1157327679] Add this under the mail headers $mailheaders .= 'Bcc: you@domain.tld' . "\r\n"; Replacing you@domain.tld with the email address you want the email BBC to [/quote] that works if i want it to just got to one other person other than myself all the time. but i want it to go to whoever types in their email in the email section. so they get a copy of what they just emailed to me.
  2. I am trying to get the email to be sent to the person sending the email, not just myself. i put $email in for the contact but its not working and i dont know what else might do it. if $email isnt working what is the code that could do it, if im even puting it in the right spot. thanks -S *note* this is just the top part of the php code. [code]/* ========================= Begin Configuration ============================ */ define("kContactEmail","name@website.com, $email");   /* ========================= End Configuration ============================== */   // init variables $error_msg = 'The following fields were left empty or contain invalid information:<ul>'; $error = false; // determine is the form was submitted $submit = $_POST['submit']; if (empty($submit)) $form_submitted = false; else   $form_submitted = true;   if ($form_submitted) {   // read out data   $name = $_POST['name']; $company = $_POST['company']; $email = $_POST['email']; $subject = $_POST['subject']; $game1 = $_POST['game1']; $game2 = $_POST['game2']; $game3 = $_POST['game3']; $game4 = $_POST['game4']; $game5 = $_POST['game5']; $game6 = $_POST['game6']; $game7 = $_POST['game7']; $game8 = $_POST['game8']; $game9 = $_POST['game9']; $game10 = $_POST['game10']; $game11 = $_POST['game11']; $game12 = $_POST['game12']; $game13 = $_POST['game13']; $game14 = $_POST['game14']; $game15 = $_POST['game15']; $game16 = $_POST['game16']; $message = $_POST['message']; // verify required data if(!$name) { $error_msg .= "<li>Full Name</li>"; $error = true; } if(!$email) { $error_msg .= "<li>E-mail Address</li>"; $error = true; } if(!$subject) { $error_msg .= "<li>Subject</li>"; $error = true; } if(!$message) { $error_msg .= "<li>Message</li>"; $error = false; } if($email) { if(!eregi("^[a-z0-9_]+@[a-z0-9\-]+\.[a-z0-9\-\.]+$", $email)){ $error_msg .= "<li>E-mail Address</li>"; $error = true; }} $error_msg .= "</ul>"; // email message if no errors occurred if (!$error) {       // prepare message $msg  = "Full Name: \t $name \n"; $msg .= "E-mail Address: \t $email \n"; $msg .= "Game1: \t $game1 \n"; $msg .= "Game2: \t $game2 \n"; $msg .= "Game3: \t $game3 \n"; $msg .= "Game4: \t $game4 \n"; $msg .= "Game5: \t $game5 \n"; $msg .= "Game6: \t $game6 \n"; $msg .= "Game7: \t $game7 \n"; $msg .= "Game8: \t $game8 \n"; $msg .= "Game9: \t $game9 \n"; $msg .= "Game10: \t $game10 \n"; $msg .= "Game11: \t $game11 \n"; $msg .= "Game12: \t $game12 \n"; $msg .= "Game13: \t $game13 \n"; $msg .= "Game14: \t $game14 \n"; $msg .= "Game15: \t $game15 \n"; $msg .= "Game16: \t $game16 \n"; $msg .= "Message: \n---\n $message \n---\n"; // prepare message header $mailheaders  = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $mailheaders .= "Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; $mailheaders .= "From: $name <$email>\r\n"; $mailheaders .= "Reply-To: $name <$email>\r\n";   // send out email mail(kContactEmail, $subject ,stripslashes($msg), $mailheaders); } } ?> <html> <head> <title>Contact Us</title> <style type="text/css"> <!-- td.form        { color: #efefef; font-family: "Verdana","Arial"; font-size: 11; } td.main        { color: #efefef; font-family: "Verdana","Arial"; font-size: 12; } font.form_check { color: ff0000; } input          { font-family: "Verdana","Arial"; color:#606060; font-size: 11px; } textarea        { font-family: "Verdana","Arial"; color:#606060; font-size: 11px; } div#form_box    { margin: 2px; width: 400px; border: 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: #C37D3F; background: #000000; padding: 5px; } h1              { font-size:16; color: #606060; } --> </style> </head> <body> <!-- box around the page --> <div id="form_box"> <table border="0" width="400" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" height="400"> <tr> <td class="main" valign="top"> <!-- page heading--> <center><h1></h1></center> <?php // email was successfully send if (($form_submitted) && (!$error)) { ?> <!-- display submitted data --> Thank you for your feedback, <?php echo $name; ?>. This is the information you submitted:<br><br><?php echo nl2br(stripslashes($msg)); ?> <?php } // display contact form else { // display error message if ($error) { echo "<font class='form_check'>" . $error_msg . "</font>\n"; } ?>[/code]
  3. Well first ill do my intro here as i am new, so hi everyone. well that was fun alright onto my topic. What i am looking for is a form that people can fill out by puting there name there email and then picking about 15 games with radio buttions so it may look something like this Name (first): Name (Last): Email: Pick who you think will win O team 1 |vs| Team 2 O O team 1 |vs| Team 2 O O team 1 |vs| Team 2 O O team 1 |vs| Team 2 O O team 1 |vs| Team 2 O O team 1 |vs| Team 2 O O team 1 |vs| Team 2 O O team 1 |vs| Team 2 O O team 1 |vs| Team 2 O O team 1 |vs| Team 2 O O team 1 |vs| Team 2 O O team 1 |vs| Team 2 O O team 1 |vs| Team 2 O O team 1 |vs| Team 2 O Monday night tie breaker points: Enter total score: Submit | Reset I have looked here (phpfreaks.com) hotscripts.com and yahoo search but cant seem to find a script. if anyone can help it would be great thanks -S *edit* *note* I do NOT have the time to go learn how to do this as i have several other projects i am working on.
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