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  1. Hello all, I am in need of some code that will be used within my bbcode function to search through all links within Link name bbcode tags to see if the site address is pointing towards my server or not. If they are not then they'd need opening into a blank page instead of my frameset. My main problem is I have numerous domain names all using the same code. I have at current code that can detect this to an extent, but if the link is News Page then it will assume the link is external. But I'd need it to recognise the link as well. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. Right ive used the getimagesize function but this just makes pages take a very long time to execute what i really need is a function that searches the image headers or something like that but as you can tell i dont really know what im doing lol
  3. right this is how i convert a bbcode image into html [code]$bericht = preg_replace("!\\[img\\](.*)\\[/img\\]!Usi","<img src=\"\\1\" border=0>",$bericht);[/code] and this is inside a function which i call when ever i need it soo for example for user profiles i do this [code]$content = htmlentities(nl2br($profile['message'])); $content = maakOp($content);[/code] maakOp is the bbcode function. i need someway of the function checking the image before actually displaying it and if its a "hacker" image id like it to display an image on my server. if you need anymore info please so ask
  4. ok cheers for this but will this work for all images including images that arent on my server and also another question would i be able to implement this into a bbcode file and if yes how would i go about doing it :D
  5. Hey everyone, Ive got a very big problem with images in html, this is mainly because of the jpg exploit. I need to know if there is a way of checking to see if an image really is an image or not. My site has just got hacked due to this as the user was stealing session id's etc and it was down to the use of code inside an image. So if anyone can help me with this id be very grateful and so will my friend as he got hacked once down to the same thing a while back but he never found out how to stop it. Oliver
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