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  1. OK, i am trying to grab a userid(uid) from a table(poems) and comparing that to another table(authors) with the sam id(id) number. But when i do it it shows all poems and the last poems author. Any help please?
  2. alright, finally... It Works... Thanks Guys...
  3. doesn't do nething, still shows SAMPLE SAMPLE
  4. [code]$p = preg_replace("/(\r\n|\r|\n)/","\n",$poem); echo "<tr><td align='center'><b>$pname</b></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td align='center'>"; echo $p; echo "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>";[/code]
  5. when it gets inserted in the DB it is in the same format it ws in the text area. example SAMPLE SAMPLE will show like that in the Text Area and in The DB, But when echoed to a page it is like this: SAMPLE SAMPLE
  6. well the thing is, when it's submitted and inserted into the DB there is no characters that are /n.
  7. that doesn't help me, from what it looks like u have to have a \n in order for that to work.
  8. but that will not put the [code]<br>[/code]at the end of each line of a poem.
  9. use this excat code [code] <? echo  date('i:s',  1159660803);?>[/code] or if you need the hour in there use this: [code]<? echo  date('h:i:s',  1159660803);?>[\code][/code]
  10. i did this once. what i did was set cookies and used a lil PHP example: [code] <? setcookie(color,$colorcode,+3600) <body bgcolor="<? echo #$_COOKIE[$colorcode];>"> ?>[/code]
  11. Ok, I am starting a poetry website and when users submit a new poem they currently need to add a [code]<br>[/code] at the end of each line. is it possible to make it so when the form is submitted it automatically puts the breaks in the databse?
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