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  1. Hello, I have been trying to get my php file to save data to mysql db, but it hasn't worked yet. Can anyone please tell me what I am doing wrong, I am trying this for the first time and I am relatively new to php and mysql. Thank you all in advance. actionscript import fl.controls.RadioButton import fl.controls.RadioButtonGroup; //hide processing MC processing_mc.visible=false; //custom function to populate the combobox lists function addCountriesToList():void{ countryList.addItem({label: "United States"}); countryList.addItem({label: "Mexico"}); countryList.addItem({label: "Canada"}); countryList.addItem({label: "United Kingdom"}); //run function above now } addCountriesToList(); //custom function to populate the combobox lists function addViewableByToList():void{ viewableList.addItem({label: "Everyone"}); viewableList.addItem({label: "Friends Only"}); viewableList.addItem({label: "Only Me"}); } //run function above now addViewableByToList(); // make radio button group distiction var radioGroup1:RadioButtonGroup = new RadioButtonGroup("radioGroupGender"); radioMale.group = radioGroup1; radioFemale.group = radioGroup1; // build variable name for the URL Variables loader var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables; // Build the varSend variable var varSend:URLRequest = new URLRequest("face.php"); varSend.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; varSend.data = variables; // Build the varLoader variable var varLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader; varLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES; varLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler); //handler for the PHP script completion and return of status function completeHandler(event:Event):void { // remove processing clip processing_mc.visible = false; fname_txt.text = ""; lname_txt.text = ""; email_txt.text = ""; month_txt.value = 1; day_txt.value = 1; year_txt.value = 1965; uname_txt.text = ""; passwd_txt.text = ""; repasswd_txt.text = ""; favactor_txt.text = ""; favmovie_txt.text = ""; favtv_txt.text = ""; favmusic_txt.text = ""; favartist_txt.text = ""; favsport_txt.text=""; favteam_txt.text = ""; favathlete_txt.text = ""; checkbox.selected = false; // Load the response from php here status_txt.text = event.target.data.return_msg; } // Add event listener for submit button click submit_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, ValidateAndSend); // function ValidateAndSend function ValidateAndSend (event:MouseEvent):void { //validate fields if(!fname_txt.length){ status_txt.text = "Please Enter Your First Name"; } else if(!lname_txt.length){ status_txt.text = "Please Enter Your Last Name"; } else if(!email_txt.length){ status_txt.text = "Please Enter a Valid Email Address"; } else if(!uname_txt.length){ status_txt.text = "Please Create a Username"; } else if(!passwd_txt.length){ status_txt.text = "Please Create a Password"; } else if(!repasswd_txt.length){ status_txt.text = "Please Create a Password"; } else { // All is good, send the data now to PHP processing_mc.visible = true; variables.fname_txt = fname_txt.text; variables.lname_txt = lname_txt.text; variables.countryList = countryList.value; variables.email_txt = email_txt.text; variables.month_txt = month_txt.value; variables.day_txt = day_txt.value; variables.year_txt = year_txt.value; variables.uname_txt = uname_txt.text; variables.passwd_txt = passwd_txt.text; variables.repasswd_txt = repasswd_txt.text; variables.radioGroup1 = radioGroup1.selection.value; variables.viewableList = viewableList.value; variables.favactor_txt = favactor_txt.text; variables.favmovie_txt = favmovie_txt.text; variables.favtv_txt = favtv_txt.text; variables.favmusic_txt = favmusic_txt.text; variables.favartist_txt = favartist_txt.text; variables.favsport_txt = favsport_txt.text; variables.favteam_txt = favteam_txt.text; variables.favathlete_txt = favathlete_txt.text; variables.checkbox = checkbox.selected; // Send the data to PHP now varLoader.load(varSend); } // close else condition for error handling } // close validate and send function <?php //Connection to database $username="apples"; $password="apples"; $database="apples"; //Capture data from $_POST array $fname_txt = $_POST['fname_txt']; $lname_txt = $_POST['lname_txt']; $countryList = $_POST['countryList']; $email_txt = $_POST['email_txt']; $month_txt = $_POST['month_txt']; $day_txt = $_POST['day_txt']; $year_txt = $_POST['year_txt']; $uname_txt = $_POST['uname_txt']; $passwd_txt = $_POST['passwd_txt']; $repasswd_txt = $_POST['repasswd_txt']; $radioGroup1 = $_POST['radioGroup1']; $viewableList = $_POST['viewableList']; $favactor_txt = $_POST['favactor_txt']; $favmovie_txt = $_POST['favmovie_txt']; $favtv_txt = $_POST['favtv_txt']; $favmusic_txt = $_POST['favmusic_txt']; $favartist_txt = $_POST['favartist_txt']; $favsport_txt = $_POST['favsport_txt']; $favteam_txt = $_POST['favteam_txt']; $favathlete_txt = $_POST['favathlete_txt']; $checkbox = $_POST['checkbox']; mysql_connect("localhost",$username,$password); @mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database"); //Perform the query $query = "INSERT INTO infodb VALUES(",'$fname_txt','$lname_txt','$countryList','$email_txt','$month_txt','$day_txt','$year_txt','$uname_txt','$passwd_txt','$repasswd_txt','$radioGroup1','$viewableList','$favactor_txt','$favmovie_txt','$favtv_txt','$favmusic_txt','$favartist_txt','$favsport_txt','$favteam_txt','$favathlete_txt','$checkbox')"; mysql_query($query); mysql_close(); ?>
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