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While Loop Help


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I have this while loop that is somewhat working I am trying to group the records by user and send one email with all related records for that user. somewhere in my logic is not working right. the first record per each user is missing in my code. 


Thank you for your help

$msg = '';
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($q) ){

	//$is = $row['is_id'];	
	if($is == '' || $is == $row['is_id']){
		if($row['month'] == $month){
			$template = 'Annual';
		if($row['month'] == ($m2) ){
			$template = 'Quarterly';
		if($row['month'] == ($m3) ) {
			$template = 'Semi-Annual';
		if($row['month'] == ($m4) ) {
			$template = 'Quarterly';
		$teacher = $row['full_name'];	
		$msg .= $row['client_name'] . ' - ' . $row['full_name'] . ' -  ' . $template . ' <a href="https://secure.iessi.net/docs.php?cid='.$row['case_no'].'">Click to Download</a> <br/>';
	//$lastis = $row['is_id'];
	if($is != $row['is_id']){
			echo 'Hello ' . $teacher . '<br/><br/>';
			echo $msg . ' <br/> email sent <br/><br/><br/>';
		$msg = '';
		$is = $row['is_id'];
		//$lastis = $row['is_id'];
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