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  1. You need to look at a solution that will move the actual market, not re-load the whole map area. Load the updated lat/lon via json, then reset the marker position.
  2. It's called casting, i.e. as above, converting from one type to another. In most cases not necessary with PHP, as it implicitly converts when necessary.
  3. Is that two return statements in isLoggedIn? The second one will never be executed.
  4. You could do somedomain.com/clientname and use mod_rewrite (via .htaccess) or some other "friendly" url scheme to push all request to one file, which you use to look up the client's details in the db. Also consider looking into WordPress, which has multisite functionality, and auto sign-up options as well.
  5. You can also set $_GET['trace'] = 'blah'; But it's not a great idea.
  6. After splitting the CSV into an array, you can iterate through it and check for an email with filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)
  7. HEREDOC syntax is ended by the delimiter defined at the start, followed by a semicolon, followed by a newline. There was no newline, therefore it is not being recognised as the end of the HEREDOC. Adding an extra \n did the trick.
  8. Good point. Maybe I don't need to worry about this at all...
  9. Ah yes I beg your pardon, you are correct. *** I need it to return false, and die/exit. ***
  10. The PHP internal error handler will not be executed unless the error handling function returns true. I need this to happen. Returning true, false, not returning anything has no effect on the actual script itself. See the example here: http://au.php.net/manual/en/function.set-error-handler.php
  11. Hey homies, Is there anyway in the function I set in set_error_handler() to return true, and die? My code: <?php set_error_handler('my_error_handler'); function my_error_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { // ... handle error here ... // } echo 1/0; // generates a warning trigger_error('Some Other Error', E_USER_ERROR); // generates user error ?> What the my_error_handler() function does will depend on the error type: 1) In the case of the warning, after handling the error, it will return true, so that the normal PHP error handler will log the error in the normal error log, and then it will let the rest of the script proceed. This works great. 2) In the case of the user error, I need it to handle the error, then return true, so that the normal PHP error handler will log the error in the normal error log, and then exit. I cannot get this to work. ??? Is there a way to return true, and exit/die? If I don't exit/die, the rest of the script will continue to run, with detrimental results. If I do exit, then it is not possible to return true, which means the error won't be logged properly by the normal PHP error handler. I.e: <?php exit(); // script will exit, return true; // but will not return true (obviously, as the script has already terminated) ?> <?php return true; // script will return true, exit(); // but as it has now jumped out of this function, will now not exit ?> Any ideas? Is this even possible? Thanks in advance.
  12. black box bug? i think a black hole might solve the bug that is IE.
  13. Yeah I've heard that there was another background bug in the beta which has been marked as fixed in the upcoming public release, so hopefully this one is too.
  14. Coolio cheers BoltZ, thats what i've done.
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