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  1. Well.. this is embarassing. I found the error, apparently I had this further up in my code for some reason.. if(!$_POST) { exit(); } Thanks for the help
  2. Yeah, added the missing quote and the username is being added to the end of the url. http://localhost/site/viewuser.php?username=borrlol Still nada
  3. This is the code from the following page: $user=$_GET['username']; $tquery= "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$user';"; $rs = mysql_query($tquery); echo '<table>'; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) { echo '<tr>'; echo 'Username: '.$row['username']; echo '</tr>'; }
  4. I'm new to php and was wondering how I would be able to do the following: -I have a search page that allows someone to search for a particular user in the database -In the results, I want to have a <a href> link to another page which will run a sql query based on which user's link was clicked and list their posts. So right now I have been trying this code to build that href link: echo '<td><a href="viewuser.php?username='.urlencode($row['username']).'>View user</a></td>'; However on the following page it is unable to retrieve the 'username' field.
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