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  1. Woohoo perfect!! Didn't even think about that. Thank you so much. William
  2. I'm not getting any errror, everything I try (latest version below) returns nothing. I store that XML response in a variable called $returned, then my latest iteration to try and exctract the "PaymentID" is: $multi_array = json_decode( json_encode($returned) , 1);
  3. Huh? Not sure I understand?
  4. Hi all, need some quick help i'm working on a cart script with Mercury Payments, their "initializePayment" system throws this XML back to me but for some reason I cannot figure out how to parse it to grab the PaymentID out of it. Any clues? I've been playing with SimpleXML for about the last 6 hours before I gave up. Thanks a ton! <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"><soap:Body><InitializePaymentResponse xmlns="http://www.mercurypay.com/"><InitializePaymentResult><ResponseCode>0</ResponseCode><PaymentID>8f19cc14-27fc-40ec-a929-bee4f043387f</PaymentID><Message>Initialize Successful</Message></InitializePaymentResult></InitializePaymentResponse></soap:Body></soap:Envelope> William
  5. Wow! Yay that works awesome, thank you so much!
  6. Also I need it to be able to search for say "Primaloft" in this sentence, even though it has an R. PrimaLoft® Supports L.L. Bean’s 2010 Winter Sports Weekend in Freeport
  7. Well what I mean is, it works as a single search but when I add another, below it to search for a different name, if the first one succeeds and sets $icon, then the second doesn't succeed and sets $icon to empty. Does that make sense? I have 27 different names I need to loop through to see which one comes back with a match.
  8. Hey all, I have a quick question and I know the answer is probably pretty easy but i've been working on it a while now and can't figure out how to get this done. SOO the situation is. I am looping through an RSS feed and with each entry I want to search for a brand name within the title, and add a company logo beside the entry. I was playing with something like this but it doesn't work real well.. // Find Kokatat $find = "Kokatat"; if(strstr($string, $find)) { $icon = "koksm.jpg"; } else { $icon = ""; } I appreciate any input!
  9. Will do, thank you all! I think we have it. Two days of scratching my head on that one. Mabey I need to leave the building for a bit
  10. Oh my gosh dude. This might have done it, I will report back I totally couldn't wrap my brain around this.
  11. I'm not sure what you mean. I am running the query on my php page that outputs the results of the query into a select box. I'm just not sure how to get it to select the correct age categores, or if there is a better way to structure the database to make it work.
  12. Ok all I need some help with this. I have been stuck for two days. Basically I have a form that asks a registrant their gender and age, then my script spits out a list of race categories they qualify for. The situation calls for the registrant to be able to register for any category YOUNGER than them, but not older. Screen Shot #1 shows my database setup (this can be changed if you have any better ideas...) that holds the race category information. Here is the sql statement I am using to pull a female racer information, where $race_age is their submitted age. "SELECT * from counts where female=1 and $race_age < age_end and $race_age > age_start" This works, but doesn't pull any categories YOUNGER Than their age. I'm stumpped Thanks for any help in advance. [attachment deleted by admin]
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