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Everything posted by bufhal

  1. Thank you for the link. I am getting close, but this is not working. I want the dropdown menu, when someone hits submit, to send the email(subject and message) to that person. I appreciate your help. [code]<?php $emails = array(    0 => 'et@email.com',    1 => 'jb@email.com' ,    2 => 'rpec@email.com' ,    3 => 'mkt@email.com' ,   ); if (!empty($_POST['email_to']) && in_array($_POST['email_to'], $emails)) {    if (mail(  )) {       echo 'Email sent';       exit();    } } ?> [/code] <center> <body bgcolor="#d0d0d0"> <hr><br> <h2>Please email us...</h2> <br><br> [code]<form action="mail2.php" method="POST">    <p><b>Subject</b><br>    <input type="text" name="subject" size=50>    <br><br>    <select name="email_to"> <option value="1">Ela Teirn -  Dir of Marketing</option> <option value="2">Jen B -  Asia Sales</option> <option value="3">Rick P -  Tech Support</option> <option value="4">General Marketing Inquiry</option> </select> <br><br> <b>Message</b><br> <textarea cols=40 rows=10 name="message"></textarea> <input type="submit" value=" Send "> </form> [/code] </body></center> </html>
  2. Thank you for the link. I am getting close, but this is not working. I want the dropdown menu, when someone hits submit, to send the email (subject and message)to that person chosen in dropdown. I appreciate your help. [code]<?php $emails = array(   0 => 'et@email.com',   1 => 'jb@email.com' ,   2 => 'rpec@email.com' ,   3 => 'mkt@email.com' ,   ); if (!empty($_POST['email_to']) && in_array($_POST['email_to'], $emails)) {   if (mail(  )) {       echo 'Email sent';       exit();   } } ?> [/code] <center> <body bgcolor="#d0d0d0"> <hr><br> <h2>Please email us...</h2> <br><br> [code]<form action="mail2.php" method="POST">   <p><b>Subject</b><br>   <input type="text" name="subject" size=50>   <br><br>   <select name="email_to"> <option value="1">Ela Teirn -  Dir of Marketing</option> <option value="2">Jen B -  Asia Sales</option> <option value="3">Rick P -  Tech Support</option> <option value="4">General Marketing Inquiry</option> </select> <br><br> <b>Message</b><br> <textarea cols=40 rows=10 name="message"></textarea> <input type="submit" value=" Send "> </form> [/code] </body></center> </html>
  3. Hello; I hope someone can offer some help. Our website has several email links to several departments. We are trying to get rid of them for spam purposes and offer a link to [b]one form [/b] that the user will fill out (just subject and message) and upon submit, will go to prespective email in prespective department. We have 30-40 emails so a form for each one would not work. Can someone offer an idea or point me to a premade code snippett that can solve our problem? I appreciate any help. Thank you in advance for your time.
  4. Hi, Hope someone can offer a bit of assistance. I have a contact.html form page which posts the filled in fields to the page below, thankyou.php. I need the results to go to a Lotus email database called mkt as well. I know I need to concatenate these fields into a string and assign that string to the message portion of the mail function, but I am at a loss. Can someone show me how to post the results to the email account with the working code below? I appreciate any help. here is the post section of contactform: <form action="cgi-bin/mailme.pl" method="post" name="contactform" id="contactform"> <input type="hidden" name="recipient" value="contactform" /> <input type="hidden" name="subject" value="Response from Web Form" /> thankyou.php: <?php session_cache_limiter('nocache'); session_start(); include "subs.php"; Print_header ("Get Password","",0); ?> <br><center><h1>Thank You!</h1></center><br> <TABLE border="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <TR> <TD width=600><BR> <BR><b></b><center> <? echo $_POST['Realname']; ?> <br> <? echo $_POST['Username']; ?> <br> <? echo $_POST['Title']; ?> <br> <? echo $_POST['Company']; ?> <br> <? echo $_POST['Dept']; ?> <br> <? echo $_POST['Address']; ?> <br> <? echo $_POST['City']; ?> <br> <? echo $_POST['Zip/Postal Code']; ?> <br> <? echo $_POST['Phone']; ?> <br> <? echo $_POST['Fax']; ?> <br> </center></b> </TD></TR></TABLE> <? Print_footer (); ?>
  5. Hello; I hope an experienced person can help me. Our website at: [a href=\"http://www.attotech.com\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.attotech.com[/a] has a top menu that currently works in Internet Explorer but does not in Firefox. I tried HTML Tidy for my index page and looked ok in Firefox but not IE. I have reverted back to the IE index page. I have three CSS files, one Javascript and the index page I can zip and send as I see nowhere to upload attachments. I am a bit new at this and really need someone to take a peek at the files and please tell me where the code needs to be modified so it will work in IE and Firefox. The link to our site, attotech.com has the index page that is rendering correctly in IE but not Firefox. I really appreciate any and all help.. I great thank you in advance. Here is the JS: function DropDownMenuX(id) { /* Type of the menu: "horizontal" or "vertical" */ this.type = "horizontal"; /* Delay (in miliseconds >= 0): show-hide menu * Hide must be > 0 */ this.delay = { "show": 0, "hide": 400 } /* Change the default position of sub-menu by Y pixels from top and X pixels from left * Negative values are allowed */ this.position = { "level1": { "top": 0, "left": 0}, "levelX": { "top": 0, "left": 0} } /* fix ie selectbox bug ? */ this.fixIeSelectBoxBug = true; /* Z-index property for .section */ this.zIndex = { "visible": 500, "hidden": -1 }; // Browser detection this.browser = { "ie": Boolean(document.body.currentStyle), "ie5": (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 5.5") != -1 || navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 5.0") != -1), "ie6": (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 6.0") != -1) }; if (!this.browser.ie) { this.browser.ie5 = false; this.browser.ie6 = false; } /* Initialize the menu */ this.init = function() { if (!document.getElementById(this.id)) { return alert("DropDownMenuX.init() failed. Element '"+ this.id +"' does not exist."); } if (this.type != "horizontal" && this.type != "vertical") { return alert("DropDownMenuX.init() failed. Unknown menu type: '"+this.type+"'"); } if (this.browser.ie && this.browser.ie5) { fixWrap(); } if (this.browser.ie && this.browser.ie5) { fixWrap3(); } fixSections(); parse(document.getElementById(this.id).childNodes, this.tree, this.id); } /* Search for .section elements and set width for them */ function fixSections() { var arr = document.getElementById(self.id).getElementsByTagName("div"); var sections = new Array(); var widths = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i].className == "section") { sections.push(arr[i]); } } for (var i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) { widths.push(getMaxWidth(sections[i].childNodes)); } for (var i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) { sections[i].style.width = (widths[i]) + "px"; } if (self.browser.ie) { for (var i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) { setMaxWidth(sections[i].childNodes, widths[i]); setMaxWidth3(sections[i].childNodes, widths[i]); } } } function fixWrap() { var elements = document.getElementById(self.id).getElementsByTagName("a"); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { if (/item2/.test(elements[i].className)) { elements[i].innerHTML = '<div nowrap="nowrap">'+elements[i].innerHTML+'</div>'; } } } function fixWrap3() { var elements = document.getElementById(self.id).getElementsByTagName("a"); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { if (/item3/.test(elements[i].className)) { elements[i].innerHTML = '<div nowrap="nowrap">'+elements[i].innerHTML+'</div>'; } } } /* Search for an element with highest width among given nodes, return that width */ function getMaxWidth(nodes) { var maxWidth = 0; for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { if (nodes[i].nodeType != 1 || /section/.test(nodes[i].className)) { continue; } if (nodes[i].offsetWidth > maxWidth) { maxWidth = nodes[i].offsetWidth; } } return maxWidth; } /* Set width for item2 elements */ function setMaxWidth(nodes, maxWidth) { for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { if (nodes[i].nodeType == 1 && /item2/.test(nodes[i].className) && nodes[i].currentStyle) { if (self.browser.ie5) { nodes[i].style.width = (maxWidth) + "px"; } else { nodes[i].style.width = (maxWidth - parseInt(nodes[i].currentStyle.paddingLeft) - parseInt(nodes[i].currentStyle.paddingRight)) + "px"; } } } } /* Set width for item3 elements */ function setMaxWidth3(nodes, maxWidth) { for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { if (nodes[i].nodeType == 1 && /item3/.test(nodes[i].className) && nodes[i].currentStyle) { if (self.browser.ie5) { nodes[i].style.width = (maxWidth) + "px"; } else { nodes[i].style.width = (maxWidth - parseInt(nodes[i].currentStyle.paddingLeft) - parseInt(nodes[i].currentStyle.paddingRight)) + "px"; } } } } /* Parse nodes, create events, position elements */ function parse(nodes, tree, id) { for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { if (1 != nodes[i].nodeType) { continue; } switch (true) { // .item1 case /\bitem1\b/.test(nodes[i].className): nodes[i].id = id + "-" + tree.length; tree.push(new Array()); nodes[i].onmouseover = itemOver; nodes[i].onmouseout = itemOut; break; // .item2 case /\bitem2\b/.test(nodes[i].className): nodes[i].id = id + "-" + tree.length; tree.push(new Array()); nodes[i].onmouseover = itemOver; nodes[i].onmouseout = itemOut; break; // .item3 case /\bitem3\b/.test(nodes[i].className): nodes[i].id = id + "-" + tree.length; tree.push(new Array()); nodes[i].onmouseover = itemOver; nodes[i].onmouseout = itemOut; break; // .section case /\bsection\b/.test(nodes[i].className): // id, events nodes[i].id = id + "-" + (tree.length - 1) + "-section"; nodes[i].onmouseover = sectionOver; nodes[i].onmouseout = sectionOut; // position var box1 = document.getElementById(id + "-" + (tree.length - 1)); var box2 = document.getElementById(nodes[i].id); var el = new Element(box1.id); if (1 == el.level) { if ("horizontal" == self.type) { box2.style.top = box1.offsetTop + box1.offsetHeight + self.position.level1.top + "px"; if (self.browser.ie5) { box2.style.left = self.position.level1.left + "px"; } else { box2.style.left = box1.offsetLeft + self.position.level1.left + "px"; } } else if ("vertical" == self.type) { box2.style.top = box1.offsetTop + self.position.level1.top + "px"; if (self.browser.ie5) { box2.style.left = box1.offsetWidth + self.position.level1.left + "px"; } else { box2.style.left = box1.offsetLeft + box1.offsetWidth + self.position.level1.left + "px"; } } } else { box2.style.top = box1.offsetTop + self.position.levelX.top + "px"; box2.style.left = box1.offsetLeft + box1.offsetWidth + self.position.levelX.left + "px"; } // sections, sectionsShowCnt, sectionsHideCnt self.sections.push(nodes[i].id); self.sectionsShowCnt.push(0); self.sectionsHideCnt.push(0); if (self.fixIeSelectBoxBug && self.browser.ie6) { nodes[i].innerHTML = nodes[i].innerHTML + '<iframe id="'+nodes[i].id+'-iframe" src="javascript:false;" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; display: none; filter:alpha(opacity=0);"></iframe>'; } break; } if (nodes[i].childNodes) { if (/\bsection\b/.test(nodes[i].className)) { parse(nodes[i].childNodes, tree[tree.length - 1], id + "-" + (tree.length - 1)); } else { parse(nodes[i].childNodes, tree, id); } } } } /* event, item:onmouseover */ function itemOver() { //debug("itemOver("+this.id+") , visible = " + self.visible); self.itemShowCnt++; var id_section = this.id + "-section"; if (self.visible.length) { var el = new Element(self.visible.getLast()); el = document.getElementById(el.getParent().id); if (/item\d-active/.test(el.className)) { el.className = el.className.replace(/(item\d)-active/, "$1"); } } if (self.sections.contains(id_section)) { clearTimers(); self.sectionsHideCnt[self.sections.indexOf(id_section)]++; var cnt = self.sectionsShowCnt[self.sections.indexOf(id_section)]; var timerId = setTimeout(function(a, b) { return function() { self.showSection(a, b); } } (id_section, cnt), self.delay.show); self.timers.push(timerId); } else { if (self.visible.length) { clearTimers(); var timerId = setTimeout(function(a, b) { return function() { self.showItem(a, b); } } (this.id, self.itemShowCnt), self.delay.show); self.timers.push(timerId); } } } /* event, item:onmouseout */ function itemOut() { //debug("itemOut("+this.id+") , visible = " + self.visible); self.itemShowCnt++; var id_section = this.id + "-section"; if (self.sections.contains(id_section)) { self.sectionsShowCnt[self.sections.indexOf(id_section)]++; if (self.visible.contains(id_section)) { var cnt = self.sectionsHideCnt[self.sections.indexOf(id_section)]; var timerId = setTimeout(function(a, b) { return function() { self.hideSection(a, b); } }(id_section, cnt), self.delay.hide); self.timers.push(timerId); } } } /* event, section:onmouseover */ function sectionOver() { //debug("sectionOver("+this.id+") , visible = " + self.visible); self.sectionsHideCnt[self.sections.indexOf(this.id)]++; var el = new Element(this.id); var parent = document.getElementById(el.getParent().id); if (!/item\d-active/.test(parent.className)) { parent.className = parent.className.replace(/(item\d)/, "$1-active"); } } /* event, section:onmouseout */ function sectionOut() { //debug("sectionOut("+this.id+") , visible = " + self.visible); self.sectionsShowCnt[self.sections.indexOf(this.id)]++; var cnt = self.sectionsHideCnt[self.sections.indexOf(this.id)]; var timerId = setTimeout(function(a, b) { return function() { self.hideSection(a, b); } }(this.id, cnt), self.delay.hide); self.timers.push(timerId); } /* Show section (1 argument passed) * Try to show section (2 arguments passed) - check cnt with sectionShowCnt */ this.showSection = function(id, cnt) { if (typeof cnt != "undefined") { if (cnt != this.sectionsShowCnt[this.sections.indexOf(id)]) { return; } } //debug("showSection("+id+", "+cnt+") , visible = " + this.visible); this.sectionsShowCnt[this.sections.indexOf(id)]++; if (this.visible.length) { if (id == this.visible.getLast()) { return; } var el = new Element(id); var parents = el.getParentSections(); //debug("getParentSections("+el.id+") = " + parents); for (var i = this.visible.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (parents.contains(this.visible[i])) { break; } else { this.hideSection(this.visible[i]); } } } var el = new Element(id); var parent = document.getElementById(el.getParent().id); if (!/item\d-active/.test(parent.className)) { parent.className = parent.className.replace(/(item\d)/, "$1-active"); } if (document.all) { document.getElementById(id).style.display = "block"; } document.getElementById(id).style.visibility = "visible"; document.getElementById(id).style.zIndex = this.zIndex.visible; if (this.fixIeSelectBoxBug && this.browser.ie6) { var div = document.getElementById(id); var iframe = document.getElementById(id+"-iframe"); iframe.style.width = div.offsetWidth + parseInt(div.currentStyle.borderLeftWidth) + parseInt(div.currentStyle.borderRightWidth); iframe.style.height = div.offsetHeight + parseInt(div.currentStyle.borderTopWidth) + parseInt(div.currentStyle.borderBottomWidth); iframe.style.top = -parseInt(div.currentStyle.borderTopWidth); iframe.style.left = -parseInt(div.currentStyle.borderLeftWidth); iframe.style.zIndex = div.style.zIndex - 1; iframe.style.display = "block"; } this.visible.push(id); } /* Emulating an empty non-existent section, we have to hide elements, works like showSection() */ this.showItem = function(id, cnt) { if (typeof cnt != "undefined") { if (cnt != this.itemShowCnt) { return; } } this.itemShowCnt++; if (this.visible.length) { var el = new Element(id + "-section"); var parents = el.getParentSections(); //debug("showItem() getParentSections("+el.id+") = " + parents); for (var i = this.visible.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (parents.contains(this.visible[i])) { break; } else { this.hideSection(this.visible[i]); } } } } /* Hide section (1 argument passed) * Try to hide section (2 arguments passed) - check cnt with sectionHideCnt */ this.hideSection = function(id, cnt) { if (typeof cnt != "undefined") { if (cnt != this.sectionsHideCnt[this.sections.indexOf(id)]) { return; } if (id == this.visible.getLast()) { //debug("hideSectionAll("+id+", "+cnt+") , visible = " + this.visible); for (var i = this.visible.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this.hideSection(this.visible[i]); } return; } } //debug("hideSection("+id+", "+cnt+") , visible = " + this.visible); var el = new Element(id); var parent = document.getElementById(el.getParent().id); if (/item\d-active/.test(parent.className)) { parent.className = parent.className.replace(/(item\d)-active/, "$1"); } document.getElementById(id).style.zIndex = this.zIndex.hidden; document.getElementById(id).style.visibility = "hidden"; if (document.all) { document.getElementById(id).style.display = "none"; } if (this.fixIeSelectBoxBug && this.browser.ie6) { var iframe = document.getElementById(id+"-iframe"); iframe.style.display = "none"; } if (this.visible.contains(id)) { if (id == this.visible.getLast()) { this.visible.pop(); } else { //throw "DropDownMenuX.hideSection('"+id+"', "+cnt+") failed, trying to hide a section that is not the deepest visible section"; return; } } else { //throw "DropDownMenuX.hideSection('"+id+"', "+cnt+") failed, cannot hide element that is not visible"; return; } this.sectionsHideCnt[this.sections.indexOf(id)]++; } /* Element (.section, .item2 etc) */ function Element(id) { this.menu = self; this.id = id; /* Get Level of given id * Examples: menu-1 (1 level), menu-1-4 (2 level) */ this.getLevel = function() { var s = this.id.substr(this.menu.id.length); return s.substrCount("-"); } /* Get parent Element */ this.getParent = function() { var s = this.id.substr(this.menu.id.length); var a = s.split("-"); a.pop(); return new Element(this.menu.id + a.join("-")); } /* Check whether an element has a parent element */ this.hasParent = function() { var s = this.id.substr(this.menu.id.length); var a = s.split("-"); return a.length > 2; } /* Check whether an element has a sub-section */ this.hasChilds = function() { return Boolean(document.getElementById(this.id + "-section")); } /* Get parent section elements for current section */ this.getParentSections = function() { var s = this.id.substr(this.menu.id.length); s = s.substr(0, s.length - "-section".length); var a = s.split("-"); a.shift(); a.pop(); var s = this.menu.id; var parents = []; for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { s += ("-" + a[i]); parents.push(s + "-section"); } return parents; } this.level = this.getLevel(); } /* Clear all timers set with setTimeout() */ function clearTimers() { for (var i = self.timers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { clearTimeout(self.timers[i]); self.timers.pop(); } } var self = this; this.id = id; /* menu id */ this.tree = []; /* tree structure of menu */ this.sections = []; /* all sections, required for timeout */ this.sectionsShowCnt = []; this.sectionsHideCnt = []; this.itemShowCnt = 0; this.timers = []; // timeout ids this.visible = []; /* visible section, ex. Array("menu-0-section", ..) , succession is important: top to bottom */ } /* Finds the index of the first occurence of item in the array, or -1 if not found */ if (typeof Array.prototype.indexOf == "undefined") { Array.prototype.indexOf = function(item) { for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { if (this[i] === item) { return i; } } return -1; } } /* Check whether array contains given string */ if (typeof Array.prototype.contains == "undefined") { Array.prototype.contains = function(s) { for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { if (this[i] === s) { return true; } } return false; } } /* Counts the number of substring occurrences */ if (typeof String.prototype.substrCount == "undefined") { String.prototype.substrCount = function(s) { return this.split(s).length - 1; } } /* Get the last element from the array */ if (typeof Array.prototype.getLast == "undefined") { Array.prototype.getLast = function() { return this[this.length-1]; } }
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