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Everything posted by vanleurth

  1. Hi, I have been exploring twilio for an app that should be able to receive and store a text message. Do I need a SMS gateway to accomplish this? Thank you V.
  2. Hello happy codes, I have an image as such; http://storage.canoe.ca/v1/dynamic_resize/?src=http://www.torontosun.com/specialsections/2011/03/10/248x186_mb.jpg&size=40x30 getimagesize doesn't work with this image. Any ideas or links? I have looked through this site and can't find anyone having this problem. Am I missing something? Thank you, V.
  3. Hello happy phpkkies, I search this forum for a sample php code on how to write a links scrapper that will recursively go through each page within a site and pull all the links. Then, I will save them to a database for analysis. I couldn't find something like that. Also, I was wondering if someone has or is selling a comments library in php. This is, a code or a set of functions that are related to commenting systems. For example; the library should have a function for blocking bad words or a function that will let people vote up or down comments made. Any ideas or links will be appreciated, thank you, V.
  4. mjdamato, thank you for your help. This has solved the problem. V.
  5. I'm using a preg_match pattern to qualify url before they get saved in a database. As such; $preg_match02 = "/^[a-zA-Z]+[:\/\/]+[A-Za-z0-9\-_]+\\.+[A-Za-z0-9\.\/%&=\?\-_]+$/i"; I was wondering where do I place the : so it can also qualify url pages such as; http://www.collegehumor.com/picture:1950895 Thank you in advance, V.
  6. Wow !! Thank you so much for this code. I haven't test it but I'm very excited to give it a try. Thank you so much again, V.
  7. Hola Everybody !! I'm putting together a web app similar to Digg and was wondering if there is a function or code example I can use to avoid users submitt the same url. For example: Right now the user can submit; 1. http://www.example.com?post01 2. http://example.com?post01 3. www.example.com?post01 I want the web app to check if the link has been submitted by the user first and look for duplicate submission. Any ideas ? Thank you, V.
  8. Hello, Currently I'm using phpadmin to create my queries and copy and paste into my code. I was wondering if there is a visual query building in the market I can use to build complex queries by connecting table and having the software build the sql statement for me? Similar to MS Access query builder but for php?
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