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Everything posted by upp

  1. the design itself for what is intended for looks good to me, but if you could throw a screenshot on with text and anything else that would be on the page I'd be able to offer a better critique
  2. I have been programming mostly with PHP for a little over 2 years now and I was wondering about a good way to get certified as a programmer. The college I am currently in offers web design classes but that is using mostly HTML, so I don't think that would do much for me. I have done plenty of freelance work and most people just ask to see examples of my work and that usually is good enough to land me the job but occasionally I get clients that look for formal schooling in web programming and I don't have any to offer. I have seen that w3schools offers certificates in programming languages but I don't want to waist my money on it if that in the long run doesn't count for anything. So my questions are, do the w3schools certificates count for anything in the programming world? Or are there other classes/schools that anybody recommends that look good on a resume for a programmer?
  3. You could do this with AJAX. have your search input field send the information to another php page using AJAX then have that page run a search for the content that is being typed by your users and send back similar usernames and have those come up with html here is an example of what I think you are trying to do http://www.w3schools.com/ajax/ajax_aspphp.asp
  4. put an html <form> tag around the options and when they press the submit button which you could label as "update" or something of that nature have it send them to a page you could save as update.php. in update.php run the sql statement of UPDATE to update your database, here is a tutorial on it. http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_update.asp
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