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Everything posted by dfalzoi

  1. Thanks, Shawn!!!! Perfect explanation and got it working now. Thanks again for your help. Really appreciate it.
  2. I'm trying to get code to work along the following logic (or something similar if this logic isn't PHP-friendly). If a user inputs a URL with the http, I want the url left alone. If the user inputs the URL starting with www, I want http:// added to the beginning. If the user does anything else (in other words uses a relative link), I want the beginning of my url to be added on (because then I later check for it to open the website in a new window or not). if (strpos($url, "http") == 0) { $url = $url; } else if (strpos($url, "www") == 0) { $url = "http://".$url; } else { $url = "http://www.mywebsite.com/".$url; }; Any suggestions?
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