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Everything posted by sourcecoder

  1. Hi i have found this code : <?php if (isset($_POST['submit_bilde'])) { $error = 'Wrong image file..'; define( 'THUMBNAIL_IMAGE_MAX_WIDTH', 250 ); define( 'THUMBNAIL_IMAGE_MAX_HEIGHT', 250 ); function generate_image_thumbnail( $source_image_path, $thumbnail_image_path ) { list( $source_image_width, $source_image_height, $source_image_type ) = getimagesize( $source_image_path ); switch ( $source_image_type ) { case IMAGETYPE_GIF: $source_gd_image = imagecreatefromgif( $source_image_path ); break; case IMAGETYPE_JPEG: $source_gd_image = imagecreatefromjpeg( $source_image_path ); break; case IMAGETYPE_PNG: $source_gd_image = imagecreatefrompng( $source_image_path ); break; } if ( $source_gd_image === false ) { return false; } $thumbnail_image_width = THUMBNAIL_IMAGE_MAX_WIDTH; $thumbnail_image_height = THUMBNAIL_IMAGE_MAX_HEIGHT; $source_aspect_ratio = $source_image_width / $source_image_height; $thumbnail_aspect_ratio = $thumbnail_image_width / $thumbnail_image_height; if ( $source_image_width <= $thumbnail_image_width && $source_image_height <= $thumbnail_image_height ) { $thumbnail_image_width = $source_image_width; $thumbnail_image_height = $source_image_height; } elseif ( $thumbnail_aspect_ratio > $source_aspect_ratio ) { $thumbnail_image_width = ( int ) ( $thumbnail_image_height * $source_aspect_ratio ); } else { $thumbnail_image_height = ( int ) ( $thumbnail_image_width / $source_aspect_ratio ); } $thumbnail_gd_image = imagecreatetruecolor( $thumbnail_image_width, $thumbnail_image_height ); imagecopyresampled( $thumbnail_gd_image, $source_gd_image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $thumbnail_image_width, $thumbnail_image_height, $source_image_width, $source_image_height ); imagejpeg( $thumbnail_gd_image, $thumbnail_image_path, 100 ); imagedestroy( $source_gd_image ); imagedestroy( $thumbnail_gd_image ); return true; } define( 'UPLOADED_IMAGE_DESTINATION', 'annonsebilder/orginaler/' ); define( 'THUMBNAIL_IMAGE_DESTINATION', 'annonsebilder/thumbs/' ); function process_image_upload( $field ) { $temp_image_path = $_FILES[ $field ][ 'tmp_name' ]; $temp_image_name = $_FILES[ $field ][ 'name' ]; list( , , $temp_image_type ) = getimagesize( $temp_image_path ); if ( $temp_image_type === NULL ) { return false; } switch ( $temp_image_type ) { case IMAGETYPE_JPEG: break; default: return false; } $uploaded_image_path = UPLOADED_IMAGE_DESTINATION . $temp_image_name; move_uploaded_file( $temp_image_path, $uploaded_image_path ); $random_digit=rand(0000000000000,9999999999999); $thumbnail_image_path = THUMBNAIL_IMAGE_DESTINATION . preg_replace( '{\\.[^\\.]+$}', '.jpg', $annonse_ref.'_'.$random_digit.'.jpg' ); $result = generate_image_thumbnail( $uploaded_image_path, $thumbnail_image_path ); return $result ? array( $uploaded_image_path, $thumbnail_image_path ) : false; } for ( $i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++ ) { if ( $_FILES[ 'Image' . $i ][ 'error' ] == 0 ) { $result = process_image_upload( 'Image' . $i ); } } if ( $result === false ) { echo $error; } else { //THIS ECHO SHIT IS KILLIN' ME!!! echo '<br />1: '.$result['1'] ; echo '<br />2: '.$result['2']; echo '<br />3: '.$result['3']; echo '<br />4: '.$result['4']; echo '<br />5: '.$result['5']; } } if (!isset($_POST['submit_bilde'])) { ?> <form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="file" name="Image1"><br> <input type="file" name="Image2"><br> <input type="file" name="Image3"><br> <input type="file" name="Image4"><br> <input type="file" name="Image5"><br><br> <input type="submit" value="GOOOOOOOO!!!!" name="submit_bilde"> </form> <?}?> and if you look in the code there is a part where i want to echo the uploaded files' path's.. I only se one of those 5 files listet in the "echo"-thing Can someone please, please, please help me to echo ALL the 5 images path??
  2. Hi again I have a db that has coulm : name,email, age And now i want to calculate the age for my users.. just like row 2 + row 3+row4+row5 = See what i mean? joe| joe@joe.com|32 joe1| joe1@joe.com|34 joe2| joe2@joe.com|35 joe3| joe3@joe.com|72 Age total for user = 144 /
  3. hmm.. i didn't get it this is my code, so far : $res = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id IN(' . implode(', ' $array) . ')"; $row = $res; $array = $row['mailadress']; and if i want to print out say 3 users mail, i would like to do it like this.. $array[12] $array[14] $array[53] how to do that? /
  4. that was a sweet one but if i want to do this the "hard" way and display the 13, 19, 23 and 145th users mailadress then? how can i use it as an array? Like : $array[12], $array[18], $array[22] and so on?
  5. Hi all. I have a DB that looks like this : id, name, email and i want to display the email in a title-tag.. say i have 100 names and i want to display the emailadress when i hover the name. So the emailadress is shown in a title-tag. how can i do this? i can do it the hard way and : $resultuser=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id='15'")or die(mysql_error()); $row15=mysql_fetch_assoc($resultuser); echo '<a href="#" alt="" title=$row15['mailadress']>Name : $row15['name']</a>'; But that ain't the easiest way.. and for about 200 users that's a lot of coding when i don't have to do it the hard way, right? there must be a easier way with som kind of array()-code.. Please help me out with this.. / Sourcecoder
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