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  1. I found those alternatives, but no one seems to be working for me. I don't have so much experience with AJAX. I set up my local form here: http://www.tsa.lt/betatest/ , but still no results. What I found so far is that it is using this script in directform.js : getArtInfoByAjax : function (artNo, amount, size, artInfoId, performAvailabiltyCheck){ $('#divArtLoading'+ artInfoId).removeClass(directOrder.CLASS_HIDDEN); $('#divAlternativeArticleLayer'+ artInfoId).addClass(directOrder.CLASS_HIDDEN); $('#divSpWheel'+ artInfoId).show(); $.ajax({ url: "http://" + window.location.host + "/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/WFS/Otto-OttoDe-Site/de_DE/-/EUR/PV_DirectOrder-GetArticleInformation", async: true, data: { artInfoId : artInfoId, artInfoRunningNumber : $('#divArtRunningNo'+ artInfoId).html(), amount : amount, articleNumber : artNo, size : size }, success: function(response){ var artInfo = $('#divArtInfo' + artInfoId); artInfo.find('#divArtLoading'+ artInfoId).addClass(directOrder.CLASS_HIDDEN); artInfo.html(response); if (performAvailabiltyCheck){ directOrder.selectFirstAvailableArticle(artInfoId, artInfo); } else{ // no availability check neccessary, because it is already done in context // of the AKI-Layer. // So, we only determine the desired size and display it. var selectBox = $("#sbTxtSize" + artInfoId); selectBox.selectedIndex = directOrder.getIndexOfSelectBoxValue("sbTxtSize" + artInfoId, size); if(selectBox.selectedIndex != directOrder.SELECT_BOX_VALUE_NOT_FOUND){ selectBox.val(size); var jsonHiddenArtInfo = window.document['hiddenArtInfo'+ artInfoId]; directOrder.changeVariationInfo(selectBox, jsonHiddenArtInfo, artInfoId) } else{ // we did not find the value in the selectbox, so select // the first available variation. directOrder.selectFirstAvailableArticle(artInfoId, artInfo); } } // article exists if (window.document['hiddenArtInfo'+ artInfoId].data != null){ artInfo.find('#txtAmount'+ artInfoId).select().focus(); directOrder.checkAlternativesExistForNonAvailableArticles(artInfo, artInfoId); } // article does not exist else{ artInfo.find('#txtArtNo'+ artInfoId).select(); } artInfo.find('#divArtInfoLoeschen' + artInfoId).removeClass(directOrder.CLASS_HIDDEN); directOrder.processEvent('event', artInfoId, directOrder.SRC_NONE, directOrder.FLG_NONE); }, error: function () { directOrder.resetHiddenArtInfo(artInfoId); var artInfo = $('#divArtInfo' + artInfoId); artInfo.find('#divArtLoading'+ artInfoId).addClass(directOrder.CLASS_HIDDEN); //artInfo.empty(); directOrder.resetArtInfo(artInfoId,artInfo); var artInfoConfig = directOrder.createArtInfoConfiguration(); artInfoConfig.showMsgFrame = true; artInfoConfig.clsMsgFrame = 'frame_err'; artInfoConfig.clsMsgAnyProblem = 'txt_err'; artInfoConfig.msgAnyProblem = window.document['hiddenDOMessages'].dbsTechnicalError; directOrder.refineArtInfo(artInfoId, artInfo, artInfoConfig, true); } }); Tried this method: http://www.johnhamelink.com/2010/07/combat-crossdomain-post-problems-ajax/ but still no luck.
  2. Hello, is it possible to retrieve data from remote form, from another domain that I can't control. I want to type in number in my local form text field and then post it to remote form and retrieve data. I know how to retrieve data from local mysql, but don't know how to retrieve it from remote form. Remote form: http://www.otto.de/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/WFS/Otto-OttoDe-Site/de_DE/-/EUR/PV_DirectOrder-Start?ls=0#lmPromo=la,3,hk,home,fl,Sidebar_Bestellen Working number: 31477682 I want to type in 31477682 on my local text field and retrieve data(price, color, status like "lieferbar") from another domain.
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