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  1. Hey guys, Been developing a bespoke "helpdesk" system for work and, while it works well on the whole, I am having major problems with base64 encoded email bodies. Admittedly, this might be due to my misunderstanding of imap body parts. It seems in my current setup, the system thinks that all mails are either "type" 0 or 4. As a result, base64 emails don't get decoded and display as an unreadable long string. Here is what my code for the body decoding looks like just now - can provide more on request. $from=$overview[0]->from; $subject=$overview[0]->subject; $subdb=mysql_real_escape_string($subject); $lookingfor=explode("~#",$body); $result=$from; $find=strrpos($ir, $lookingfor[1]); $findreplystream=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tickets WHERE ticket_md5='$lookingfor[1]'") or die(''.mysql_error().''); $stream=mysql_fetch_array($findreplystream); $now=time(); if($structure->encoding == 0){ $arr1=array("=A3", "=80"); $arr2=array("£", "€"); $newcontent=$explodeunder[0]; define("CHARSET", "ISO-8859-1"); $dbcontenta=str_replace($arr1, $arr2, $newcontent); $r=mb_detect_encoding($dbcontenta); if($r=="UTF-8"){ $dbcontents=mb_convert_encoding($dbcontenta, "ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8"); $dbcontent1=addslashes($dbcontents); $dbcontent2=strip_tags($dbcontent1); } elseif($r=="ASCII"){ $dbcontentb=mb_convert_encoding($dbcontenta, "UTF-8", "ASCII"); $dbcontents=mb_convert_encoding($dbcontentb, "ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8"); $dbcontent1=addslashes($dbcontents); $dbcontentf=strip_tags($dbcontent1); $dbcontent2=quoted_printable_decode($dbcontentf); } } elseif($structure->encoding == 4) { $dbcontent=$explodeunder[0]; $dbcontentf=quoted_printable_decode($dbcontent); $dbcontent2=mb_convert_encoding($dbcontentf, "ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8"); } elseif($structure->encoding == 3) { $dbcontent2=imap_base64($explodeunder[0]); } elseif($structure->encoding == 1){ $dbcontent3=imap_8bit($explodeunder[0]); $dbcontent2=quoted_printable_decode($dbcontent3); } Can anyone advise me with this? I'd be greatful for any assistance at all, as it's causing me nightmares! All the best
  2. steve101


    Hi Guys, New to the forum. Started doing a bit of development work (in the deep end!) with my workplace! Seems to be a great forum for knowhow and resources! Anyway, names Steve (as username suggests) and I join you from Scotland!
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