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Everything posted by toobster

  1. kinda what i needed to know, thanks. I just need to know what the best way is, and i guess your answer and nobody else answering says it all.
  2. Hey, I have a mysql table for my setups, it contains basically three fields: 'id','variable','value'. i want to create/name a variable from a result from the database and then from another field it should give the newly created variable its value The table is already filled with the variables i want to use, now i just want my index page to get the different variable out of the table with the value as its value. Is that even possible? so lets say i have a variable in my table called 'header_color' the value in that table row is 'FFF' i want my index to get all variable from the database (through a while??) with again its value as a value. This is my thought: $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM setup"); while ($res = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){ $res[variable]; = $??my_variable??; $myvariable = $res[value]; } and so when i have my div for my header i want it to be <div style="background-color:#<?=$header_color?>"> resulting in <div style="background-color:#FFF> in my table under variable it has the name "header_color" and under value "FFF" maybe i need to create an array or something i have no idea. Hope you guys can help me.
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