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Everything posted by freakjon

  1. thanks, but it is not suitable to my needs. The image produced is not proportional to the original image.
  2. Hello, I use this code to resize images: <?php function makeresize($dir,$pic,$n,$t){ @list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = @getimagesize($pic); $max_w = 700; $max_h = 500; $ratio = @min($max_w/$width,$max_h/$height); if ($ratio < 1){ $w = @floor($ratio*$width); $h = @floor($ratio*$height); $thumb = @imagecreatetruecolor($w,$h); if ($t == 'image/jpeg'){$temp = @imagecreatefromjpeg($pic);} elseif ($t == 'image/gif'){$temp = @imagecreatefromgif($pic);} elseif ($t == 'image/png'){$temp = @imagecreatefrompng($pic);} @imagecopyresampled($thumb,$temp,0,0,0,0,$w,$h,$width,$height); if ($t == 'image/jpeg'){@imagejpeg($thumb,"$dir/".$n, 100);} elseif ($t == 'image/gif'){@imagegif($thumb,"$dir/".$n, 100);} elseif ($t == 'image/png'){@imagepng($thumb,"$dir/".$n, ;} } } ?> the code that calls the function above is: $tipi_consentiti = array("image/gif","image/jpeg","image/png","image/pjpeg"); // form data $titolo = @addslashes($_POST['titolo']); $descrizione = @addslashes($_POST['descrizione']); $nome = @addslashes($_FILES['imagefile']['name']); $path = $carfoto_user . stripslashes($nome); $tipo = @addslashes($_FILES['imagefile']['type']); ............ if ((@in_array($_FILES['imagefile']['type'], $tipi_consentiti))&& ($_FILES["imagefile"]["size"] < 2200000)){ // copio il file nella cartella delle immagini @copy ($_FILES['imagefile']['tmp_name'], $carfoto_user . $nome); $nomenew = $t."_".$nome; @makeresize($carfoto_user,$path,$nomenew,$tipo); unlink($carfoto_user.$nome); well. everything works fine, but now I want to paste the resized image produced on another image that has a fixed size. It is necessary for javascript gallery output (if the image is too small). How can I change the above code to do this. Can you help me? Thanks in advance..sorry for my english please :-\
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