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  1. I am a novice PHP coder, just started learning. I am trying to display a message on my webpage that should be triggered by a date check. The code is below (I removed all HTML tags for simplicity for now): <?php $m=date("m"); $d=date("d"); $y=date("Y"); $int_d = (int)$d; //Thanksgiving if ($m="11"&&$y="2010"&&$int_d>23&&$int_d<=28) { echo 'Happy Thanksgiving!'; } //Holidays if ($m="12"&&$y="2010"&&$int_d>=18&&$int_d<=31) { echo 'Happy Holidays!'; } ?> I want each statement to be executed during the appropriate dates i.e. "Happy Thanksgiving" from 11/24/2010 to 11/28/2010, and "Happy Holidays" from 12/18/2010 to 12/31/2010. The problem is that both statement are being executed regardless of the date conditions I use? Thoughts? Thanks
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