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  1. Hi, I am having an issue configuring LDAP to be enaled on my PHP installation. I have PHP Version 5.2.14 on Windows 2007 Server (32 bit) and IIS. PHP works fine and has done for a year or so now. However I am now trying to develop an application that will be using LDAP protocools. I have Googled around and followed all the various ideas, etc. I have the php_ldap.dll, ssleay32.dll, libeay32.dll in the /ext directory and also in Windows/System32/ I changed the .dlls to be read/write by everyone. (Clutching at straws at this point). In the php.ini file at the bottom I added the following: [php_LDAP] extension=php_ldap.dll extension=libeay32.dll extension=ssleay32.dll They weren't present in the file. Not sure how PHP was installed as it wasn't me who did it, but I am guessing it was done by the installer. I have restarted IIS, but still if it look at the PHPInfo it doesn't show LDAP as a "enabled" option. Have I missed something? Thanks. :confused:
  2. Just a quick query slightly related to this - I am trying to embed a flash image into a page using: <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/ swflash.cab#version=6,0,29,0" width="600" height="400"> <param name="movie" value="10-OCT-salesappraisal.swf"> <param name=quality value=high> <embed src="http://locahost/dashboards/10-OCT-salesappraisal.swf" quality=high pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi ?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="600" height="400"></embed> </object> I have tried putting: <?php require_once('auth.php'); ?> but it will not ask to login if I am not, it sill just loads up the page with no issues! It works on normal PHP pages.
  3. So it would be a case of saying in the database - User A Region 1 User B Region 2 Then in the code, I would say that if the results return are "Region 1" then show Buttons "1,2,3" Is that the kinda thing? Think I may need to learn some more PHP then
  4. I like the sound of both. lol. I am doing the website for different "regions" of the country, so one region sees other "button" than another, etc. So it would be good to do: Region A sees buttons A,B,C Region B sees buttons 1,2,3?
  5. Thanks for the quick comment. Yeah I have kinda planned a table - I have a members table at the moment. I figured I could put in another table (Didn't think it would be wise to have it in the same one?). Currently the structure is: <userid> - <button>. But if I understand correctly, what your saying is to store in the table the code for the button? Could I not so something like: Select button from "menu table" where userid = $loginid if "result" = menu1 then blah or if result = menu2 then blah Or is that what you code is saying? Excuse my ignorance.
  6. Hi, so far I have managed to set up a somewhat basic login website with a mysql database backend. Once they have logged on they go to a "main menu" page. What I need to define is that user A sees button A but only that button, etc. (Then of course that same rule would have to apply if they tried to directly go to the page, but I am guessing I can do that in the same way that I currently do to force a login). If anyone has any tutorials or sample code I would much appreciate it. Thanks,
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