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  1. How can i make echo "<b>Site:</b> ".$req_user_info['site']."<br>"; linkable The site raw fron the db contains an site url. Regards
  2. I have members.php: <?php /********************************************************************** Filename: members.php Version: $Id: members.php 17 2007-04-09 09:40:35Z Jez $ Description: This file displays the members screen once they've logged in. **********************************************************************/ /* Members script: */ include_once("config.php"); // Check user logged in already: checkLoggedIn("yes"); doCSS(); print("Welcome to the members page <b>".$_SESSION["login"]."</b><br>\n"); print("Your password is: <b>".$_SESSION["password"]."</b><br>\n"); print("<a href=\"logout.php"."\">Logout</a>"); ?> and functions.php: <?php /********************************************************************** Filename: functions.php Description: This file contains main stock of functions. This file is automatically 'include()'d by every page that include()'s the file 'config.php'. This has the benefit that every page that includes 'config.php' will have access to all of the functions in this file. **********************************************************************/ /******************************************************\ * Function Name : connectToDB() * * Task : create connection to db * * Arguments : none * * Globals: all defined in config.php * * Returns : none, sets $link * \******************************************************/ function connectToDB() { global $link, $dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname; /* Database connection: The PHP function mysql_pconnect() connects to a MySQL database with the arguments it is given. mysql_pconnect() creates a persistent database connection which can save some time when a number of mysql connections are made to the same db with the same user/password/dbhost triple. Further, when the execution of the PHP script ends, the connection to the database is NOT closed. In some rare cases this can cause problems. Alternatively mysql_connect() can be used and takes the same arguments as mysql_pconnect(). However mysql_connect() does not maintain a persistent connection - every call to mysql_connect() creates a new db connection. On a busy server this can significantly increase the amount of time taken to execute queries on the db. */ ($link = mysql_pconnect("$dbhost", "$dbuser", "$dbpass")) || die("Couldn't connect to MySQL"); // select db: mysql_select_db("$dbname", $link) || die("Couldn't open db: $dbname. Error if any was: ".mysql_error() ); } // end func dbConnect(); /******************************************************\ * Function Name : newUser($login, $pass) * * Task : Create a new user entry in the users table based on args passed * * Arguments : string($login, $pass) * * Returns : int($id), $id of new user * \******************************************************/ function newUser($login, $password) { /* Creating a New User Record in the DB: In this function we create a new user record in the db. We first build a query and save it into the $query variable. The query statement says: 'Insert the value of $login and $password into the 'login' and 'password' columns in the 'users' table' */ global $link; $query="INSERT INTO users (login, password) VALUES('$login', '$password')"; $result=mysql_query($query, $link) or die("Died inserting login info into db. Error returned if any: ".mysql_error()); return true; } // end func newUser($login, $pass) /******************************************************\ * Function Name : displayErrors($messages) * * Task : display a list of errors * * Arguments : array $messages * * Returns : none * \******************************************************/ function displayErrors($messages) { /* Error Handling functions: An error handling function is useful to have in any project. This particular function takes an array of messages, and for each message displays it in a list using HTML <ul><li></li></ul> tags. */ print("<b>There were problems with the previous action. Following is a list of the error messages generated:</b>\n<ul>\n"); foreach($messages as $msg){ print("<li>$msg</li>\n"); } print("</ul>\n"); } // end func displayErrors($messages) /******************************************************\ * Function Name : checkLoggedIn($status) * * Task : check if a user is (isn't) logged in depending on $status * * Arguments : quasi(!) boolean $status - "yes" or "no" * * Returns : * \******************************************************/ function checkLoggedIn($status){ /* Function to check whether a user is logged in or not: This is a function that checks if a user is already logged in or not, depending on the value of $status which is passed in as an argument. If $status is 'yes', we check if the user is already logged in; If $status is 'no', we check if the user is NOT already logged in. */ switch($status){ // if yes, check user is logged in: // ie for actions where, yes, user must be logged in(!) case "yes": if(!isset($_SESSION["loggedIn"])){ header("Location: login.php"); exit; } break; // if no, check NOT logged in: // ie for actions where user can't already be logged in // (ie for joining up or logging in) case "no": /* The '===' operator differs slightly from the '==' equality operator. $a === $b if and only if $a is equal to $b AND $a is the same variable type as $b. for example, if: $a="2"; <-- $a is a string here $b=2; <-- $b is an integer here then this test returns false: if($a===$b) whereas this test returns true: if($a==$b) */ if(isset($_SESSION["loggedIn"]) && $_SESSION["loggedIn"] === true ){ header("Location: members.php"); } break; } // if got here, all ok, return true: return true; } // end func checkLoggedIn($status) /******************************************************\ * Function Name : checkPass($login, $password) * * Task : check login/passwd match that stored in db * * Arguments : string($login, $password); * * Returns : array $row - array of member details on success * false on failure \******************************************************/ function checkPass($login, $password) { /* Password checking function: This is a simple function that takes the $login name and $password that a user submits in a form and checks that a row exists in the database where: the value of the 'login' column is the same as the value in $login and the value of the 'password' column is the same as the value in $password If exactly one row is returned, then that row of data is returned. If no row is found, the function returns 'false'. */ global $link; $query="SELECT login, password FROM users WHERE login='$login' and password='$password'"; $result=mysql_query($query, $link) or die("checkPass fatal error: ".mysql_error()); // Check exactly one row is found: if(mysql_num_rows($result)==1) { $row=mysql_fetch_array($result); return $row; } //Bad Login: return false; } // end func checkPass($login, $password) /******************************************************\ * Function Name : cleanMemberSession($login, $pass) * * Task : populate a session variable * * Arguments : string $login, string $pass taken from users table in db. * * Returns : none * \******************************************************/ function cleanMemberSession($login, $password) { /* Member session initialization function: This function initializes 3 session variables: $login, $password and $loggedIn. $login and $password are used on member pages (where you could allow the user to change their password for example). $loggedIn is a simple boolean variable which indicates whether or not the user is currently logged in. */ $_SESSION["login"]=$login; $_SESSION["password"]=$password; $_SESSION["loggedIn"]=true; } // end func cleanMemberSession($login, $pass) /******************************************************\ * Function Name : flushMemberSession($session) * * Task : unset session variables and destroy session * * Arguments : array $session * * Returns : true * \******************************************************/ function flushMemberSession() { /* Member session destruction function: This function unsets all the session variables initialized above and then destroys the current session. */ // use unset to destroy the session variables unset($_SESSION["login"]); unset($_SESSION["password"]); unset($_SESSION["loggedIn"]); // and use session_destroy to destroy all data associated // with current session: session_destroy(); return true; } // send func flushMemberSession() /******************************************************\ * Function Name : doCSS() * * Task : output the CSS for the screens * * Arguments : * * Returns : * \******************************************************/ function doCSS() { /* CSS Output: This function simply outputs some cascading style sheet data for markup by the user's browser. */ ?> <style type="text/css"> body{font-family: Arial, Helvetica; font-size: 10pt} h1{font-size: 12pt} </style> <?php } // end func doCSS() # function validates HTML form field data passed to it: function field_validator($field_descr, $field_data, $field_type, $min_length="", $max_length="", $field_required=1) { /* Field validator: This is a handy function for validating the data passed to us from a user's <form> fields. Using this function we can check a certain type of data was passed to us (email, digit, number, etc) and that the data was of a certain length. */ # array for storing error messages global $messages; # first, if no data and field is not required, just return now: if(!$field_data && !$field_required){ return; } # initialize a flag variable - used to flag whether data is valid or not $field_ok=false; # this is the regexp for email validation: $email_regexp="^([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.)|"; $email_regexp.="(([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?)$"; # a hash array of "types of data" pointing to "regexps" used to validate the data: $data_types=array( "email"=>$email_regexp, "digit"=>"^[0-9]$", "number"=>"^[0-9]+$", "alpha"=>"^[a-zA-Z]+$", "alpha_space"=>"^[a-zA-Z ]+$", "alphanumeric"=>"^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$", "alphanumeric_space"=>"^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$", "string"=>"" ); # check for required fields if ($field_required && empty($field_data)) { $messages[] = "$field_descr is a required field."; return; } # if field type is a string, no need to check regexp: if ($field_type == "string") { $field_ok = true; } else { # Check the field data against the regexp pattern: $field_ok = ereg($data_types[$field_type], $field_data); } # if field data is bad, add message: if (!$field_ok) { $messages[] = "Please enter a valid $field_descr."; return; } # field data min length checking: if ($field_ok && ($min_length > 0)) { if (strlen($field_data) < $min_length) { $messages[] = "$field_descr is invalid, it should be at least $min_length character(s)."; return; } } # field data max length checking: if ($field_ok && ($max_length > 0)) { if (strlen($field_data) > $max_length) { $messages[] = "$field_descr is invalid, it should be less than $max_length characters."; return; } } } ?> The db has an table users with id, login, password, site Question how can i get inf from "site" raw for logged user on members.php ( as a link). Pls help thanks
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