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  1. NVM, I got it, thanks man
  2. Hi I am beginning the first stages of a tumble log and am having some trouble, this works. <?php $connection = @mysql_connect('localhost','admin','asdf'); if(!$connection) ( die('Could not connect to the server!' .mysql_error()) ) ?> but if I add the following I get an error: <?php $connection = @mysql_connect('localhost','admin','asdf'); if(!$connection) ( die('Could not connect to the server!' .mysql_error()) ) if(!mysql_select_db('tumblelog')) ( die('Could not connect to database') ) ?> This is the error: I also tried this to solve the problem: <?php $connection = @mysql_connect('localhost','admin','glock123'); if(!$connection) ( die('Could not connect to the server!' .mysql_error()) ) $db = mysql_select_db('tumblelog')) if(!$db) ( die('nope') ) ?> that only gives me this error:
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