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  1. Very nice. It seems solid. Page loads are quick. The theme is pleasing. My only opinion on it for improving in version one would be to have pretty URIs.
  2. I ran into an issue where I'm writing an upvote/downvote system in CakePHP and wanted to use a cache for votes so I didn't have to recount every vote for every link (very expensive on db calls). I started looking in the CakePHP docs and found: http://book.cakephp.org/view/1033/counterCache-Cache-your-count It was missing my ability to cache the amount of upvotes and downvotes (named upvote_count and downvote_count) in my database. I figured out a solution with a bit of OOP magic and derping around in the Model.php from Core. The code I have written is definitely not optimized. If you have better alternatives or code to make it perform better, please comment. <?php class Vote extends AppModel { $name = 'Vote'; $belongsTo = array( 'Item' => array( 'className' => 'Item', 'foreignKey' => 'id', 'counterCache' => true, ), ); // Overwrite for recounting up/down votes on counterCache public function updateCounterCache($keys = array(), $created = false) { $response = parent::updateCounterCache($keys, $created); // Here is the hook for custom recounts. $this->recountVotes($this->data['Vote']['item_id']); // Return the parent::updateCounterCache to make it appear like nothing changed. return $response; } protected function recountVotes($item_id) { // So this gets a count of the counterCache columns we'd like to make happen. $record = array( $this->alias => array( // WARNING: Direction is an INT(1) instead of TINYINT(1) to allow for a negative in my case. 'upvote_count' => $this->field('COUNT(`id`)', array('direction' => 1, 'item_id' => $item_id)), 'downvote_count' => $this->field('COUNT(`id`)', array('direction' => -1, 'item_id' => $item_id)), 'id' => $item_id, ) ); // Then update the table it belongs to. $this->query(sprintf('UPDATE `items` as `Item` SET `Item`.`upvote_count` = %d, `Item`.`downvote_count` = %d WHERE `Item`.`id` = %d', $record[$this->alias]['upvote_count'], $record[$this->alias]['downvote_count'], $record[$this->alias]['id'] )); return true; } } I hope someone finds a use for this ability until CakePHP natively supports it.
  3. I would assume this code to work: foreach($a->result as $node) { $node->nid; } Using your expression (and assuming you're doing drupal), I believe the code you're looking for is similar to: $views_handle_field_node->view->result[$i]->nid Hope this helps.
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