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Everything posted by BrandyC

  1. Google'd it but couldn't find something that I could use. Any how this is the code, 200+ lines <?php /* SSL Management */ $useSSL = true; include(dirname(__FILE__).'/config/config.inc.php'); include(dirname(__FILE__).'/init.php'); if ($cookie->isLogged()) Tools::redirect('my-account.php'); //CSS ans JS file calls $js_files = array( _THEME_JS_DIR_.'tools/statesManagement.js' ); $errors = array(); $back = Tools::getValue('back'); if (!empty($back)) $smarty->assign('back', Tools::safeOutput($back)); if (Tools::getValue('create_account')) { $create_account = 1; $smarty->assign('email_create', 1); } if (Tools::isSubmit('SubmitCreate')) { if (!Validate::isEmail($email = Tools::getValue('email_create'))) $errors[] = Tools::displayError('invalid e-mail address'); elseif (Customer::customerExists($email)) $errors[] = Tools::displayError('someone has already registered with this e-mail address'); else { $create_account = 1; $smarty->assign('email_create', Tools::safeOutput($email)); $_POST['email'] = $email; } } if (Tools::isSubmit('submitAccount')) { $create_account = 1; $smarty->assign('email_create', 1); if (!Validate::isEmail($email = Tools::getValue('email'))) $errors[] = Tools::displayError('e-mail not valid'); elseif (!Validate::isPasswd(Tools::getValue('passwd'))) $errors[] = Tools::displayError('invalid password'); elseif (Customer::customerExists($email)) $errors[] = Tools::displayError('someone has already registered with this e-mail address'); elseif (!@checkdate(Tools::getValue('months'), Tools::getValue('days'), Tools::getValue('years')) AND !(Tools::getValue('months') == '' AND Tools::getValue('days') == '' AND Tools::getValue('years') == '')) $errors[] = Tools::displayError('invalid birthday'); else { $customer = new Customer(); if (Tools::isSubmit('newsletter')) { $customer->ip_registration_newsletter = pSQL($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $customer->newsletter_date_add = pSQL(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); } $customer->birthday = (empty($_POST['years']) ? '' : intval($_POST['years']).'-'.intval($_POST['months']).'-'.intval($_POST['days'])); /* Customer and address, same fields, caching data */ $addrLastname = isset($_POST['lastname']) ? $_POST['lastname'] : $_POST['customer_lastname']; $addrFirstname = isset( $_POST['firstname']) ? $_POST['firstname'] : $_POST['customer_firstname']; $_POST['lastname'] = $_POST['customer_lastname']; $_POST['firstname'] = $_POST['customer_firstname']; $errors = $customer->validateControler(); $_POST['lastname'] = $addrLastname; $_POST['firstname'] = $addrFirstname; $address = new Address(); $address->id_customer = 1; $errors = array_unique(array_merge($errors, $address->validateControler())); if (!sizeof($errors)) { if (!$country = new Country($address->id_country) OR !Validate::isLoadedObject($country)) die(Tools::displayError()); if (intval($country->contains_states) AND !intval($address->id_state)) $errors[] = Tools::displayError('this country require a state selection'); else { $customer->active = 1; if (!$customer->add()) $errors[] = Tools::displayError('an error occurred while creating your account'); else { $address->id_customer = intval($customer->id); if (!$address->add()) $errors[] = Tools::displayError('an error occurred while creating your address'); else { if (!Mail::Send(intval($cookie->id_lang), 'account', 'Welcome!', array('{firstname}' => $customer->firstname, '{lastname}' => $customer->lastname, '{email}' => $customer->email, '{passwd}' => Tools::getValue('passwd')), $customer->email, $customer->firstname.' '.$customer->lastname)) $errors[] = Tools::displayError('cannot send email'); $smarty->assign('confirmation', 1); $cookie->id_customer = intval($customer->id); $cookie->customer_lastname = $customer->lastname; $cookie->customer_firstname = $customer->firstname; $cookie->passwd = $customer->passwd; $cookie->logged = 1; $cookie->email = $customer->email; Module::hookExec('createAccount', array( '_POST' => $_POST, 'newCustomer' => $customer )); if ($back) Tools::redirect($back); } } } } } } if (Tools::isSubmit('SubmitLogin')) { $passwd = trim(Tools::getValue('passwd')); $email = trim(Tools::getValue('email')); if (empty($email)) $errors[] = Tools::displayError('e-mail address is required'); elseif (!Validate::isEmail($email)) $errors[] = Tools::displayError('invalid e-mail address'); elseif (empty($passwd)) $errors[] = Tools::displayError('password is required'); elseif (Tools::strlen($passwd) > 32) $errors[] = Tools::displayError('password is too long'); elseif (!Validate::isPasswd($passwd)) $errors[] = Tools::displayError('invalid password'); else { $customer = new Customer(); $authentication = $customer->getByemail(trim($email), trim($passwd)); /* Handle brute force attacks */ sleep(1); if (!$authentication OR !$customer->id) $errors[] = Tools::displayError('authentication failed'); else { $cookie->id_customer = intval($customer->id); $cookie->customer_lastname = $customer->lastname; $cookie->customer_firstname = $customer->firstname; $cookie->logged = 1; $cookie->passwd = $customer->passwd; $cookie->email = $customer->email; if (Configuration::get('PS_CART_FOLLOWING') AND (empty($cookie->id_cart) OR Cart::getNbProducts($cookie->id_cart) == 0)) $cookie->id_cart = intval(Cart::lastNoneOrderedCart(intval($customer->id))); $id_address = intval(Address::getFirstCustomerAddressId(intval($customer->id))); $cookie->id_address_delivery = $id_address; $cookie->id_address_invoice = $id_address; Module::hookExec('authentication'); if ($back = Tools::getValue('back')) Tools::redirect($back); Tools::redirect('my-account.php'); } } } if (isset($create_account)) { /* Generate years, months and days */ if (isset($_POST['years']) AND is_numeric($_POST['years'])) $selectedYears = intval($_POST['years']); $years = Tools::dateYears(); if (isset($_POST['months']) AND is_numeric($_POST['months'])) $selectedMonths = intval($_POST['months']); $months = Tools::dateMonths(); if (isset($_POST['days']) AND is_numeric($_POST['days'])) $selectedDays = intval($_POST['days']); $days = Tools::dateDays(); /* Select the most appropriate country */ if (isset($_POST['id_country']) AND is_numeric($_POST['id_country'])) $selectedCountry = intval($_POST['id_country']); elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) { $array = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']); if (Validate::isLanguageIsoCode($array[0])) { $selectedCountry = Country::getByIso($array[0]); if (!$selectedCountry) $selectedCountry = intval(Configuration::get('PS_COUNTRY_DEFAULT')); } } if (!isset($selectedCountry)) $selectedCountry = intval(Configuration::get('PS_COUNTRY_DEFAULT')); $countries = Country::getCountries(intval($cookie->id_lang), true); $smarty->assign(array( 'years' => $years, 'sl_year' => (isset($selectedYears) ? $selectedYears : 0), 'months' => $months, 'sl_month' => (isset($selectedMonths) ? $selectedMonths : 0), 'days' => $days, 'sl_day' => (isset($selectedDays) ? $selectedDays : 0), 'countries' => $countries, 'sl_country' => (isset($selectedCountry) ? $selectedCountry : 0) )); /* Call a hook to display more information on form */ $smarty->assign('HOOK_CREATE_ACCOUNT_FORM', Module::hookExec('createAccountForm')); } include(dirname(__FILE__).'/header.php'); $smarty->assign('errors', $errors); Tools::safePostVars(); $smarty->display(_PS_THEME_DIR_.'authentication.tpl'); include(dirname(__FILE__).'/footer.php'); ?>
  2. I didn't write the code,code is from Prestashop open source, And I have no Idea in what line the bug is, Can you tell when opening debugger in explorer?
  3. Hi, On login page load, (even before submitting user name and pass) Debugger finds "permission denied error", can see it here: goldpharm.co.il/authentication.php Now, when a user submit's user name and pass, nothing happens, it stays on the login page. I am not sure in what code the bug is , can you tell by the bug error in this page: goldpharm.co.il/authentication.php ? and how can it be fixed? , should I post the code? Thanks.
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