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Everything posted by ryanschefke

  1. okay, so I tested it and it is setting the cookie fine. I used this script, http://phpfi.com/278823. However, when I run the scripts above it is not setting it. What else is in the script that would be causing it to not set the cookie? By the way, in place of the $row_customer[5] in the activation script I entered in a word in case my MySQL query wasnt working but that still didnt work so it is something in the script that is making it not get set. Thanks for checking out the scripts. Ryan
  2. Hello All, I am trying to set a cookie and debug if it is set. For some reason it is not getting set. I posted the script where I set the cookies. See Lines 58-60: http://phpfi.com/278814 I am trying to echo the cookies on a separate page, which I also posted at http://phpfi.com/278817, on line 4. This is a simple line though for a test and nothing is showing up. The line is echo "test: for login $login_ck";
  3. kernelgpf, I got this to work. I didn't realize the path name to the file I was trying to resize had a period in it so I should have been using $system[2]. This is closed.
  4. Can someone tell me why every single uploaded file is black? I posted my script here: http://phpfi.com/278470 Here is the URL: http://www.ctltennis.com/signup.php
  5. I am all set here. I found the problem. I was outputing something via an echo above the header and that prevented the redirect. This thread is closed.
  6. I just ran a few more tests. The name, size, etc of the file output is now working; however, the redirect stopped working. In other words, when everything is filled out okay I want to use the following line: header ('Location: signupthanks.php?un='.$un.'&em='.$em); to send the user to another page. It was working but it 'magically' stopped and just refreshes back to the same page.
  7. GingerRobot - You are the best! That was it!!! Next time I will spare myself the 2 days of trying to debug and ask an expert like you. Seriously, you saved me a lot of time and I was jumping up and down when I realized it worked.
  8. Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong? Ultimately, I am trying to store the name of a file in mysql to reference it in html. i try to do simple things such as echo the size and name of the file but it outputs nothing. please help. The full script is in the link below. my email is ryan@triomfgroup.com http://phpfi.com/278267
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