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  1. Hey, For your first problem with the sql INSERT INTO, I'm afraid I found a missing comma. I hope this thing must have been fixed in your actual php page. But thought I should point this out.. $query = "INSERT INTO UploadedFiles (name, size, type, content, keyword, description) VALUES ('$fileName', '$fileSize', '$fileType', '$content', '$keyword' '$description')" or die(mysql_error()); There is a MISSING COMMA in between '$keyword' '$description' Check it out. I'll look into the second problem of yours, I'm a beginner, so I'm not sure I can catch it. Cheers!
  2. Hi leachus2002, I got the same problem, it was to use an image exactly as an submit button. Following solved my problem. Give it a try... <?php if (isset($_POST['picButton'])){ /* Hit the goal using the 'value' parameter */ } ?> It was as usual. Down here the input type is set as 'image' instead of 'submit'. It'll do the trick.. <input type="image" name="picButton" value="first" src="/images/arrow.jpg"/> May have to adjust width height etc. using styles.
  3. Dear juniorek9, I'm really happy.. Even if I had a little programming experience, Its only 3 weeks (to this coming Wednesday) I started reading PHP. You wanna know what helped me? This is a superb tutorial, Read it, It will polish you up with most of the things you ever want.. http://devzone.zend.com/article/627 The next is the php online manual, I believe you already use it everyday.... http://php.net/manual/en/index.php Keep it up... Regards, ADynaMic
  4. Hey... I'm still not a PHP genius. But I tried your problem and came out with an simple answer to do what you wanted. Try it, Let us know if these answers from MMDE and me solved your problem..... <html> <body> <h1>Are You a superhero?</h1> <?php // This will print the posted array.. You can see what you get if(isset($_POST['go'])){ print_r($_POST['yesno']); } ?> <form name="myForm" method="post"> <?php $transport = array('r' => 'would You like to fly?', 'a' => 'do You like helping people?', 'p' => 'do You like to work on your own?', 'h' => 'do wou look good in tight outfit?', 'c' => 'do you have strong personality?', 's' => 'do you drive?', 'f' => 'do you like to travel?'); foreach ($transport as $key => $transport) { //echo "<input type='radio' name='transport' value='$key'/> $transport <br/>" ; //This is the line I changed.... //Each button group [yes/no] has it's own array key equal to your Transport array key // - ADynaMic echo "$transport : <input type ='radio' name='yesno[$key]' value = '1'>YES</input> <input type ='radio' name='yesno[$key]' value = '0'>NO</input></br>"; } ?> <input type="submit" value="go" name="go"> </form> </body> </html>
  5. Dear Fellows... I got the Same Error "mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given" The tips given Here was Useful, very much... I think the database record/s we are accessing has an white space at the beginning, then the query does not match them.... Example: "SELECT * FROM `data` WHERE `id` LIKE '888%' " then this will give the error... but when we edit this as, with whitespace before 888 "SELECT * FROM `data` WHERE `id` LIKE ' 888%' " It Worked! Check this out.. It may be a solution....
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