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Everything posted by dk4210

  1. No quite Matthew.The function is designed not to allow anything but number. function check_Price($price,$member_id,$description,$ip){ if (isset($price) && (!is_numeric($price))) { Echo "You submitted something other than a number" } }
  2. Hi Matthew Not sure how to incorporate that with my code.. Please advise
  3. It is incoming data from a form field. The user types in the price. Currently it works unless the user adds a coma. What do you suggest?
  4. Hello Guys, I check the price field on the server side and I am trying to figure out how to allow a comma in the price field example 2,300 Here is the code I use to check the price. function check_Price($price,$member_id,$description,$ip){ if (isset($price) && (!is_numeric($price))) { do something here } } Thanks in Advance! Dan
  5. They don't have the exact information.. Think of an application with 6 forms. All of them have a member id ect but different options.. Combining all the together in one table would result in a mile long table, therefore we separated the forms into separate tables.
  6. Hi Fenway, I am with Labrat on this project and the reason there is two different tables is because we are adding data to both tables... Form A submits to Table 1 Form B submits to Table 2 We want to count table contents of both..
  7. Actually I didn't try that...
  8. Yea I a little above basic... I did echo out the vars to see if what I was expected is what it echo'd out and it was.. Thanks for the help.. It works with radio buttons but not a drop down..I'm Baffled.. I will just use radio button instead..
  9. I tried that already.. About every combo you can think of.. i finally just changes it from a drop down to a radio button and it works fine..I don't understand the difference.. function check_Race ($race,$display_name,$member_id,$description,$ip) { if (isset($race) && $race != 'White' && $race != 'Black'){ $t_error="19"; $member_id = $member_id; notify_Admin($t_error,$member_id,$ip); logOut ($t_error); exit; } } Radio button code <div class="hcenter"><div class="box3">Ethnicity</div></div> <div class="box2"><input type="radio" name="race" value="White" />White<br /> <input type="radio" name="race" value="Black" />Black<br /></div>
  10. This grabs all the post vars $_POST = array_map('strip_tags', $_POST); $_POST = preg_replace( "^([a-zA-Z0-9]([a-zA-Z0-9\-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,6}$^", " ", $_POST ); $_POST = array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $_POST); // array_walk_recursive($_POST, 'filter'); extract($_POST,EXTR_SKIP); This is the function call check_Race ($race,$display_name,$member_id,$description,$ip); // Check Race I also echo'd out the $race var before the call and inside the function it's self and the var has the expected value.
  11. This is my html from the form <select size="1" name="race"> <option value="0"></option> <option value="White">White / Caucasian </option> <option value="Black">Black / African American </option> <option value="Hispanic">Hispanic </option> <option value="Asian">Asian / Pacific Islander </option> <option value="Arabic">Arabic / Middle Eastern</option> <option value="Native_american">Native American Indian</option> <option value="Other">Other</option> </select></div>
  12. Hey micmania1, That didn't work.. When I chose a different option that "White" or "Black" it did not display the error.. Any ideas?
  13. This is blowing my mind. I have this function and all I want it to do is check to make sure that the var $race is set and = '0'. The default value from the form is '0'. I also want it to check the value of race and if it is anything but the two listed , submit error. Yes I've tried to replace the || with &&.. Nothing works(Meaning that it will error when its not suppose to or it wont error when its suppose to).. Any ideas? function check_Race ($race,$display_name,$member_id,$description,$ip) { //echo "This is the race". $race; //exit; if (isset($race) && $race ='0' && $race !== 'White' && $race !== 'Black'){ echo "This is an errror.!"; $t_error="19"; $member_id = $member_id; notify_Admin($t_error,$member_id,$ip); // logOut ($t_error); exit; }
  14. Thanks for the response guys.. I think I understand it now... It was throwing me for a loop on that one..
  15. Hello guys, I have a question about the logic of OR (||) and && I have a form and on the form is asks for hair color <div class="hcenter"><div class="box3">Hair color</div></div> <div class="box2"><input type="radio" name="hair" value="Black" />Black<br /> <input type="radio" name="hair" value="Brunette" />Brunette<br /> <input type="radio" name="hair" value="Blonde" />Blonde<br /> <input type="radio" name="hair" value="Red" />Red<br /></div> I grab the post var like this $hair = $_POST['hair']; // I actually have it filtered but you get the point I created this function function check_Haircolor($hair){ if (isset($hair) && $hair != 'Brunette' || $hair != 'Black' || $hair != 'Red' || $hair != 'Blonde' ){ Do something here } } But it would not work correctly.. I kept doing the "Do something here...." so I tried the && and it worked (Se below) as expected. I would have bet that the or (||) would have been the correct code.. function check_Haircolor($hair){ if (isset($hair) && $hair != 'Brunette' && $hair != 'Black' && $hair != 'Red' && $hair != 'Blonde' ){ Do something here } } Why did the && word and not the || Thanks, Dan
  16. That worked perfect kney.. Thanks every one for your help!
  17. Hello Guys, I am trying to strip the last comma but I can't get it to work... Please advise Here is my code, it adds the coma in between all numbers and on the end. $query1 = mysql_query("SELECT b_id FROM benefits"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query1)) { $b_id = $row['b_id']; $b_id . ","; echo $b_id2; } displays 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, I also tried this but it didn't work. It removed all the commas $query1 = mysql_query("SELECT b_id FROM benefits"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query1)) { $b_id = $row['b_id']; $b_id . ","; $b_id2 = rtrim($b_id,','); echo $b_id2; }
  18. Thanks for the quick response. I am trying to compare what is submitted form the form with whats in the database b_id column. I am developing a security system that basically looks at what has been submitted and compares it to whats in the database.. Will your code still work for that? ] Thanks!
  19. Hello Guys, I am trying to figure this out.. I have a page that has several check boxes that when checked the values ends up as an array Like this 1, 3, 9, 6, That's what it looks like in the database. I want to compare the values (numbers) submitted with the values in my database table called benefits Here is the function I wrote this function and I want to check the values of the submitted values but I am just not sure how to compare the values, especially with a comma in the array. $benefits2 = $_POST['benefits']; function check_benefits ($benefits2,$member_id,$description,$ip){ $queryb = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM benefits WHERE b_id = $benefits2"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($queryb)) { $benefit_list = $row['b_id']; } if (isset($benefits2)&&( $benefit_list!== $benefits2)) { Do something here! } } Thanks for your help!
  20. Thanks for the quick response Ken. What if I wanted to check to just make sure that it's a valid email address in the function. Not necessarily a specific email address? For example here is one I done for the price function check_Price($price,$member_id,$description,$ip){ if (!is_numeric($price)) { $t_error="6"; $member_id = $member_id; notify_Admin($t_error,$member_id,$ip); logOut ($t_error); exit; }
  21. Hello Guys, I have a question about doing an IF statement in a function. Here is my code function checkEmail($email){ return preg_match('/^\S+@[\w\d.-]{2,}\.[\w]{2,6}$/iU', $email) ? TRUE : FALSE; } How would I do the IF statement to test if the email is True or False? Is it like this? function checkEmail($email){ return preg_match('/^\S+@[\w\d.-]{2,}\.[\w]{2,6}$/iU', $email) ? TRUE : FALSE; if ($email == "False") { Do something here } } Thanks for you help!
  22. Not really no.. That would also be a good practice
  23. Please take a look at my code here. It currently works, but I think there has to be a better way. Here is the process 1. query the db for the list of bad words 2. checking all post vars for bad words (Entering them in manually) 3. Created an if statement to check is $var !== $var2 There's got to be a better way to code this. If I have say 60 post vars it going to be very time consuming.. Any help will be appreciated. $search_for_bad_words = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM badwords WHERE 1"); // Checking every post var for bad words $ad_title2 = $ad_title; $ad_body2 = $description; $subn2 = $subn; $price2 = $price; $viewname2 = $viewname; $display_name2 = $display_name; $email2 = $email; //$wordlist = "****:cr*p|dang:d*ng|shoot:sh**t"; $seperate_text = "|"; $entry_seperate_text = ":"; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($search_for_bad_words)) { $wordlist = $wordlist.$seperate_text.$row[word].$entry_seperate_text.$row[r_word]; } $words = explode('|', $wordlist); foreach ($words as $word) { list($match, $replacement) = explode(':', $word); $ad_title2 = preg_replace("/([^a-z^A-Z]?)($match)([^a-z^A-Z]?)/i", "$1".$replacement."$3", $ad_title2); $ad_body2 = preg_replace("/([^a-z^A-Z]?)($match)([^a-z^A-Z]?)/i", "$1".$replacement."$3", $ad_body2); $subn2 = preg_replace("/([^a-z^A-Z]?)($match)([^a-z^A-Z]?)/i", "$1".$replacement."$3", $subn2); $price2 = preg_replace("/([^a-z^A-Z]?)($match)([^a-z^A-Z]?)/i", "$1".$replacement."$3", $price2); $viewname2 = preg_replace("/([^a-z^A-Z]?)($match)([^a-z^A-Z]?)/i", "$1".$replacement."$3", $viewname2); $display_name2 = preg_replace("/([^a-z^A-Z]?)($match)([^a-z^A-Z]?)/i", "$1".$replacement."$3", $display_name2); $email2 = preg_replace("/([^a-z^A-Z]?)($match)([^a-z^A-Z]?)/i", "$1".$replacement."$3", $email2); } // Checking to see if user used a bad word and is going to get an email and // set a warning in the db if ($ad_title!==$ad_title2 || $description!==$ad_body2 || $subn!==$subn2 || $price!==$price2 || $viewname!==$viewname2 || $display_name!==$display_name2 || $email!==$email2) { $warning = "1"; // Function sends error message send_Warning(); // Function sets number of warnings in database warning_Updatedb($warning,$member_id); } // Function to make sure that user cannot place any more ads if he/she is banned user_Ban($member_id);
  24. Basically what I would like to do is some code in my filter to read all the post vars and if any contain something like http://www.spam.com or any web address to filter it out or do character replacement. Here's my filter function filter($data) { $data = trim(htmlentities(strip_tags($data))); if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) $data = stripslashes($data); $data = mysql_real_escape_string($data); return $data; } Here is my code calling the filter // Grab all POST vars and run them through the loop and filter $_POST = array_map('strip_tags', $_POST); array_walk_recursive($_POST, 'filter'); extract($_POST,EXTR_SKIP); Thanks for your help..
  25. Hello Guys, I want to be able to filter out any url in any of form $_POST vars? Would I do it with a foreach loop and the preg replace function? I would consider any web address in my form spam. I would like to filter it out.. I'm already using Strip tags, htmlentities, strip_tags, stripslashes & mysql_real_escape_string but they don't seem to filter out URLs.. Thanks for your help in advanced..
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