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  1. Actually i am transferring my website's contents, K2 doesn't display any image content in the MYSQL foelds, please any ideas is most appreciated.
  2. Good morning, Can anybody know please where are the IMAGES goes saved in K2 article management of Joomla? Thanx
  3. I noted that this code is giving me error, any ideas is appreciated or may be i am missing some commands related
  4. THANKS Juddster, i have checked that and worked SELECT LEFT(names, 1)from test Now i will to find out how to insert it again to it's corrisponding field using UPDATE because the other fields contains data, if you have idea regarding during my checkup i would be thankful.
  5. Hello everybody, I am trying to insert in the letter field the first letter of the FILEDX's content, How can i do it??? Any ideas is most appreciated, thanks
  6. THANKS for you reply I was intending to take unique records from a table, instead of deleting now i used this code Create table tmp_tbl as select Distinct fld from tbl; This solved the problem, because i took unique records and inserted them into another table, and then from the tmp_tbl i can use the unique data.
  7. Hello everybody i am trying this to insert records from 2tables where field of table 1=field of table 2 because i wanto eliminate non matching data in both tables that's i am creating a third table, need help please INSERT INTO newtable(Field) SELECT Field,Field FROM Table1.Field,Table2.Field WHERE Table1.Field=Table2.Field
  8. Thanks i solved it using this mysql> INSERT IGNORE INTO person_tbl (last_name, first_name) -> VALUES( 'Jay', 'Thomas'); Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) mysql> INSERT IGNORE INTO person_tbl (last_name, first_name) -> VALUES( 'Jay', 'Thomas'); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
  9. Thanks PFMaBiSmAd i have a field which contains data they are number of type int, so i have combined them from two tables and they are in field but when i select field from table where the same field=some condition returns about 3 records of the same data, that's i want to eliminate the redundant records, hope it is clear, if no i hope to make it better clear so that can have some solution, with so many thanks again PFMaBiSmAd
  10. Good morning everybody... need to know please how to delete duplicate id in the same field. Any help is most appreciated
  11. Yes In some how looks like, but they were some changes done to it, thanks Fen
  12. Hello everybody I have a 1table with 2 fields (id, text) the 2table have (id,text) i want to update the 1table(text) from 2table where 1table.id=2table.id I have tried like this update 1table set test= test where 1table.id=2table.id Hope to have some ideas regarding with thanks in advance
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