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Everything posted by ZulfadlyAshBurn

  1. thanks Adam. I am recoding the page now. Will update you guys soon.
  2. thanks doddsey_65. Would work on that. I would be having my national exams in three weeks thus wont do much coding. Thanks for you help guys, learn much more stuffs
  3. Pikachu2000, okay, working on that. but who would actually disable their javascript?
  4. aykay47, i will fixed that up
  5. Local Updates(not publish to public yet): Removed the disability on right click context menu. what do you mean?
  6. every single time i add a doctype, the site looks weird..
  7. I just need help critique on the layout/design, color chosen and site venerability to danger.
  8. doddsey_65 I was expecting your reply man HAHA. HAHA. maybe i should add a button or use enter button. yeap, I did return to the main page after 5secs. cause reading shouldn't be that long. my main.js? HAHAH, yeap. unreadable eh?! APP Update: • New words added
  9. Recently I have been doing coding for sites and apps. This is the first time I am using fully jquery & css3 for layout to create an app. The app is basically to help Singaporeans who is making a change from singlish, singapore english, to proper english. It also should help tourists/foreigners when communicating with singaporeans. The vocabulary is not fully done. Currently, there are only 3 words in the db. I will update more later on. I took me the whole day to code the page Please, kindly give me you critiques. http://english.andss.tk/
  10. HAHA
  11. woah!
  12. just a question. how do you learn jquery? as in from where? do you read docs or just keep playing with the functions?
  13. Nice
  14. you would need to change the permission for the file.
  15. i realised that the page allows you to change the bg img. one thing you could improve on is to store the user's selection the same as the bookmark for the background image. and also it would be better if you allow users to change the bg img to a link from google.
  16. Awesome. i admire your coding skills. did you do it all by yourself?
  17. phpnewbei, i know what you are trying to do. you want to do a fanybox/lightbox something similar to facebook photo view and the url changes to the photo url with the page actually redirecting. i was also trying to achieve the same thing...
  18. SetInterval and to run that function. but, you sever is goona die. Cause there would be alot of request. use ajax push engine instead.
  19. what you mean? what would i practically need? i dont mind paying for the best things i can get.
  20. Ok cool. If I were to host the servers at home, would it be better?
  21. good idea bro
  22. Basically, I have bought two hosting services from two different companies. Rackspace.com and Hosting24.com. Dedicated Server from RackSpace and Shared Hosting from Hosting 24. My question is do I really get unlimited bandwidth and storage from shared hosting? I have seen many shared hosting companies making them available. If yes, why? I do understand that dedicated servers unlimited bandwidth can be trusted as I paid extra fee for it.
  23. ive tried that function. cool stuff.
  24. That's a better idea. thanks
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