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Miles LLC

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Everything posted by Miles LLC

  1. Ok, so I am wanting to make a basic HTML homepage that looks like the Windows 7 Mobile/Windows 8 Theme. I put together a basic PhotoShop Image for a demo (Would look alittle different) here - http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/36/hpbeta.png/ The problem is, I am trying to setup a universal layout that would be best or most professional way tables, css, html, ete. It woul be great to hear your recommendations, and some possible help. I can PHP code, but not CSS and such (Which I should learn)
  2. That was just an example, I am also wanting to only allow certain domains to images. Lol
  3. Ok, I have a GD image that is then rewrote as a png. My question is, is it possible to find out what site is requesting the image and then use it on the php image. Example, if I didn't want a domain to use my images, could I somehow me able to restirict that site?
  4. I use cURL already to screenscrape data, but I can't scrape pass a login screen.
  5. Ok, I know how to screen scrape, but I don't know how to screen scrape when there is a login. I've looked this up for awhile, but no luck. I'd like to also make it so I can execute a url when I am logged in on the script for the script, for an example execute this url: http://site.com/data.php?id=9912&submit=1 Thanks in advanced.
  6. Not sure that's really relevant here, though it probably adversely affects being able to test the page... but regardless, page still isn't all that helpful to QA w/out the joomla stuff on it. Also, you said it's not spitting out any js errors...what are you looking at to see if there are js errors? I see the following error: You are attempting to look for an element with an id attribute of 'card_template' here: var cardTemplate = document.getElementById('card_template').value; However, when I look at the source of the page, I see nothing with that id. What I do see is the following: <select name="card_template" class="card_template" onchange="gamercardGenerator.update()"> You need to either add an id attrib there or target it a different way. I tried to upload the code from your 2nd link and test it, but there were too many errors to wade through to bother. Too much stuff on the page dependent on other stuff on your site that isn't being loaded for whatever reason. Maybe required stuff output server-side, relative links, etc... but I did happen to see the same error listed above. I'm afraid that's about all I can really do unless you can provide a link to a live page on your site, with your code and the joomla stuff on it. MAN! I LOVE YOU!!!!! You've fixed it. You got to love those basic errors that mess everything up. I would love to donate to you, but I am 16, and i'm poor. Also, if I may ask, how were you getting those errors being reported and I wasn't? Is there a something I have to enable for those errors?
  7. I don't think so, because my other functions in that script work, and i've never had this happen before. I'm doing some testing right now, tell me f you have any other ideas.
  8. Joomla Source: http://www.gamercards.co/form/source.txt
  9. @Crayon Violent First off, i've encountered an error similar to this. It was (like you've said) IDs, but I tested all the id's they're all original. Also, i'm executing these function for every field for example: Here is a url to it (off of Joomla): http://www.gamercards.co/select/index.php @teynon This is very intresting, it seems that function isn't even getting executed..... But the other two functions are getting executed.
  10. I check the source code, saved it as a webpage and troubleshooted all the code. The only way to fix the problem was to remove the DOCTYPE line. Also, i'm not getting an actual error. It's just not excuting the update function in the Javascript code.
  11. Well, I tried all six but, right now i'm using The template i'm using automatically came with that, but when it's removed it messes up my navigation.
  12. Ok, I need a doctype for my template to display right, and every doctype messes up my JavaScript code. Whenever I remove the doctype, the JavaScript works, but the template looks messed up. (I'm using Joomla CMS) I've seen other people with the same issue, and they fix there script and it works, but my script seem's to be fine.
  13. I have a folder of .txt files which have an array like this: 0#|#1#|#2#|#3#|#4#|#5#|#6 NOTE: All of the textfiles are md5 hashes. Every text file has an array like this, (numbers representing the data) and i'm trying to make it so i can access every array an combine it. So in the end i want to know how many text files have the number "6" for the 6th array and so on. I'm pretty new at PHP, so please be detailed.
  14. I know how to count the files: <?php $dir = $_SERVER[DOCUMENT_ROOT]."/api/sigs/cache/".$i[id]."/"; $files = scandir($dir); $result = count($files); printf("$result Signatures Generated"); ?> But i'm trying to make it so it only counts the files that were modified recently (That Day).
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