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Everything posted by PHPNerd3

  1. Hello Everyone, I trust you are all having a nice Friday and are looking forward to the weekend! What is the absolute best Mac Editor/IDE? I am looking for something with: - Collapsable functions, etc - Nice commenting functionalities (ie; date/by/creator automatically inserted fields perhaps) - Excellent color coding - Perhaps a live view, but not necessary - Easily interfacable with an FTP test site Thanks so much in advance, J
  2. Basically, the embedded flash URL (which is what we're working on) ends up looking like this: http://testingserver123.net/APEXintg/deploy/adid=997&cid=151131&sid=&afid=138983&affiliatereferenceid=&creativeID=464009&affURL=http://google.com/ - The URL query parameter now has two slashes (good) - Now, if the URL is copied into a browser, it looks like this: Any ideas?
  3. # This is for the xxx/xxx systems integration # File must be edited to remove the deploy.php's file extension # because an Internet Explorer bug will prevent Object/Flash embedding otherwise. DocumentRoot "/home/forwardm/public_html/APEXintg/" <Directory "/home/forwardm/public_html/APEXintg"> RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/deploy/(.*) RewriteRule ^ deploy.php?%1 [NE] </Directory> I removed the virtual hosts + section for privacy pruposes. Thanks so much in advance. I'm stuck as can be. [attachment deleted by admin]
  4. Basically, this fixes the double slashes issue, however, it now makes it so deploy.php doesn't get recognized as deploy/ I need some urgent help on this :/
  5. Hello, For some reason, the code suggested below makes it so that my embedded flash assets don't even load, meaning: - This is not properly turning “deploy.php?adid=” to the nice format of “deploy/adid=”. I need the above to happen and still allow for: “deploy/adid=1234&myURLParameter=http://google.com”. Any idea? Thanks so much, I really appreciate everything. Josh
  6. Good Afternoon Everyone, Can anyone elaborate on: - How to scrape / use DOMDocument & XPath in order to determine whether or not a page is a redirect page or a non-redirect-page. Thanks!
  7. Hello Everyone, Good evening! Strange issue... here's a block out of my httpd.conf: DocumentRoot "/home/forwardm/public_html/xxxx/" <Directory "/home/forwardm/public_html/xxxx"> RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^deploy/(.*)$ deploy.php?$1 [NE] </Directory> Basically, I have a URL embedded as a part of a query string and it ends up looking like: http:/url.com (single slash) which is strange. I need to find a way to remedy this. I found some help here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4514627/apache-rewrite-rule-leading-slash ... but it was a bit too vague for me. Any clarity that can be offered by the group would be wonderful. Thanks in advance everyone, Joshua
  8. Thanks again for responses, everyone. Your support has been wonderful. Regarding purpose, no, the are not nefarious of any sort. This methodology is rather for circumvention protection, not to mask any illicit activities. Thanks for asking though KIRA- Regarding your solution, I have heard of this before but vaguely. I can surely make it run in an optimized/load-balanced fashion, however, would you mind further explaining - How to scrape / use DOMDocument & XPath in order to determine whether or not a page is a redirect page or a non-redirect-page. Thanks so much again, Joshua
  9. Thanks for getting back. Here's an example: 1) User clicks , posted on a website somewhere. 2) redirection would look like this: -> ->-> 3) User finally lands on Goal : Make any redirection sniffing in HTTPWATCH/FIREBUG, etc look like this: -> , hiding all 'inner redirection' (B & C in this example)
  10. Hello Everyone, I wanted to check in with this amazing community and see if anyone knows how to fully hide all URLs (phases) in a redirection sequence. Basically, I do not want anything in between a click and a land to be visible. Thanks, Josh
  11. Hi All, My goal is to process all redirects serverside and simply return the user to the 'final' URL. Here's my function to get the final URL: PHP Code: function get_final_url($url){ global $final_host; $redirects = get_all_redirects($url); if (count($redirects)>0){ $final_url = array_pop($redirects); if(substr($final_url,0,7) != 'http://' && !empty($final_host)) { $final_url = 'http://'.$final_host.$final_url; } return $final_url; } else { return $url; } Here's the cURL execution: $ch2 = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch2,CURLOPT_URL,$url); curl_setopt($ch2, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); curl_setopt($ch2,CURLOPT_POST,''); curl_setopt($ch2,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,''); curl_exec($ch2); curl_close($ch2); For some reason, this works no problem, posts any data over to the URLs serverside, redirects serverside, and passes the client to the final URL, with none of the redirection displayed via HTTPWatch or any similar debug utility. Sometimes, however, it does show phases of redirection. Any insight into what I might be doing incorrectly? Thanks SO much in advance. E
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