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  1. your question was that you could not see the error logs for php. I presumed you were looking at the default server error logs. Whereas the php error logs are stored under the apache directory: /var/log/apache/error.log my error log file is in the /var/log/php/errors.log.
  2. What should I do in /var/log/apache2? Should I change something there?
  3. I have check and the error reporting is set to 1 and display_errors are Off.
  4. The php errors are not logged to the errors.log file. What can be the reason. In my php.ini file the the error_log_max_len = 1024. What should I change in the php.ini file so that my problem solve?
  5. I want to pass a js variable to drupal php variable and display its value. Following is my code. $form['title'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('titles'), '#page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', '#page arguments' => array('test_select'), '#access callback' => TRUE, '#options' => $options, '#prefix' => '<div>', '#postfix' => '</div>', '#attributes' => array('onchange' => 'test_change') ); $form['titletext'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => 'title', ); drupal_add_js('$('.$form['title']['select'].').change(function () { var str =""; '.$a.' = ""; $("'.$form['title']['select'].' option:selected").each(function () { str += $(this).text() + " "; }); }) .change();', 'inline', 'header'); I want to assign that str variable to the textfield value or simply assign that variable to drupal php variable and display it on the page.
  6. yes every friday morning. I wrote this if(date('D') == 'Fri') Is this correct?
  7. I want to recieve emails on weekly manner from thursday to thursday. For this how can i set the variables to pass to the sql query. I worte this $start_date = mktime(0, 0, 1, date("m"), date("j")-7, date("Y")); but it will calculate date from today. And I want to recieve emails on every friday morning. So please write the code for me also write the end date. Thanks in advance.
  8. It will generate a random number but i want a UNIQUE random number to be generated.
  9. How to generate a unique random number in php??? Any one who can help me?
  10. I am calculating the values of dropdown list from the title field of the events table. As title field may contains same names in different rows. Suppose the title field contains "Meeting" in two different rows.Then in Meeting appears twice in my dropdown list and i want it to appears once as the name is same.
  11. I have a dropdown list which have some elements. I want to get all the elements of the dropdown list into a variable of type array. Any Idea???
  12. What this function do? putenv("TZ=Asia/Karachi"); please send me the complete code step by step Like the following. 1. Get server datetime 2.convert to Asi/Karachi timezone 3. print the converted datetime. Thanks
  13. I have a varaiable which gets the server time; $date =date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); suppose the server is in the USA then it the timezone of this date will be the timezone of USA. And i want to convert this timezone to Asia/Karachi timezone. Any Idea about this???
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