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  1. Yes, I see your point. My apologies. I made the changes and below is the current listing of notices. Notice: Undefined index: page in /xxx/www/xxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 23 Notice: Undefined index: title in /xxx/www/xxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 28 Notice: Undefined index: nom in /xxx/www/xxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 30 Notice: Undefined index: browse in /xxx/www/xxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 32 Notice: Undefined index: role in /xxx/www/xxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 136 Notice: Undefined variable: end_mm in /xxx/www/xxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 564 Notice: Undefined variable: select1 in /xxx/www/xxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 568 Notice: Undefined variable: select2 in /xxx/www/xxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 582 Notice: Undefined variable: navbar in /xxx/www/xxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 635 Notice: Undefined index: showall in /xxx/www/xxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 211 Notice: Undefined index: showall in /xxx/www/xxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 221 Notice: Undefined index: showall in /xxx/www/xxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 251
  2. See below. <?php @ require ("xx.xxx.php"); ini_set('display_errors',1); error_reporting(E_ALL|E_STRICT); if (!isset($_SERVER)) { $_GET = &$_GET; $_POST = &$_POST; $_ENV = &$HTTP_ENV_VARS; $_SERVER = &$HTTP_SERVER_VARS; $_COOKIE = &$HTTP_COOKIE_VARS; $_REQUEST = array_merge($_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE); } $limit = 50; $pageLimit = 20; $t = " "; $CLASS = 'lib'; $defineArt = 'Title'; if (!$page = $GET['page']) { $page = 1; } $start = ($page - 1) * $limit; $title = htmlspecialchars($GET['title']); $cleantitle = stripslashes($title); $name = htmlspecialchars($GET['nom']); $cleanname = stripslashes($name); $browse = htmlspecialchars($GET['browse']); // (roles Author Compiler Illustrator Photographer Subject VIP) use. $descrip = array("a" => "Illustrations", "b" => "Photographs", "c" => "Portraits", "d" => "Maps", "e" => "Charts", "f" => "Music", "g" => "Forms", "h" => "Facsimiles", "i" => "Plans", "j" => "GenealTables", "k" => "Samples"); // OPEN MYSQL CONNECTION $conn = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass); mysql_select_db($db, $conn); // ARRAY DISTINCT DECADES YEARS MONTHS DAYS $year_q = @ mysql_query("select distinct YMD from xxxxxxxx1 order by YMD"); while ($rw = mysql_fetch_row($year_q)) { $ymd[] = $rw[0]; } foreach($ymd as $y_m_d) { list($y, $m, $d) = split("-", $y_m_d); $de = substr($y, 0, 3); $dec_yr_mon_day[$de][$y][$m][] = $d; } //PAGE TITLE $page_title = "Royal Purple Index: "; if ($title || $name) { $page_title .= "Search("; if ($title) { $page_title .= " $cleantitle"; } if ($name) { $page_title .= " $cleanname"; } $page_title .= " )"; } else if ($browse) { if (strlen($browse) == 3) { $page_title .= $browse.'0s'; } else { $page_title .= $browse; } } else { $page_title .= substr(end($ymd), 0, 3).'0s '; } $page_title .= " / Page $page"; $WHERE = ""; if ($title) { $WHERE = "WHERE (xxxxxxxx1.ArticleTitle LIKE '"; if ($GET['stype'] != "^") { $WHERE .= "%"; } $WHERE .= "$title%' OR xxxxxxxx1.ArticleSubtitle LIKE '%$title%' OR xxxxxxxx1.Subject1 LIKE '%$title%' OR xxxxxxxx1.Subject2 LIKE '%$title%' OR xxxxxxxx1.Subject3 LIKE '%$title%' OR xxxxxxxx1.YMD LIKE '%$title%' OR xxxxxxxx1.Notes LIKE '%$title%')"; } if ($name) { $name = trim($name," .\n"); $name = preg_replace("/[\s,\.]+/",',',$name); list($Lname,$Fname,$Mname) = split("[,. ]", $name); $Lname=trim($Lname); if ($WHERE != "") { $WHERE .= " AND xxxxxxx2.LastName LIKE '"; } else { $WHERE = "WHERE xxxxxxx2.LastName LIKE '"; } $WHERE = "INNER JOIN xxxxxxx2 USING(ID) ".$WHERE; if ($_GET[role] == "r") { $more = "(xxxxxxx2.Role LIKE '%Subject%' OR xxxxxxx2.Role LIKE '%VIP%')"; } else { $more = "xxxxxxx2.Role NOT LIKE '%Subject%' AND xxxxxxx2.Role NOT LIKE '%VIP%'"; } if ($Mname) { $Mname = trim($Mname); $Fname = trim($Fname); $WHERE .= "$Lname%' AND xxxxxxx2.FirstName LIKE '$Fname%' AND xxxxxxx2.MIddleInitial LIKE '$Mname%' AND $more"; } else if ($Fname) { $Fname = trim($Fname); $WHERE .= "$Lname%' AND xxxxxxx2.FirstName LIKE '$Fname%' AND $more"; } else { $WHERE .= "$Lname%' AND $more"; } } if ($title == '' && $name == '' && $browse == '') { $browse = substr(end($ymd), 0, 3); } if ($browse != "") { $WHERE = "WHERE xxxxxxxx1.YMD "; $WHERE .= "LIKE '$browse%'"; } // else if ($title == '' && $name == '' && $browse == '') { // $browse = substr(end($ymd), 0, 3); // } $WHERE .= " ORDER BY xxxxxxxx1.YMD DESC, xxxxxxxx1.ArticleTitle ASC"; $role_value = ""; if ($GET['role'] == "r") { $role_value = "checked='checked' "; } $main_content = <<< EOF <!-- BEGIN MAIN CONTENT HERE --> <div><!--BEGIN xxxxxx4 --> <form method="get" name="search" id="search_x" action=""> <table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"> <tr> <td> <label for="title" accesskey="T">Title/Subject/Issue: </label> <input type="text" size="40" name="title" id="title" value="$cleantitle" /> </td> <td> <label for="nom" accesskey="A">Name: </label> <input type="text" size="40" name="nom" id="nom" value="$cleanname" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Issue: YYYY-MM-DD numeric date format </td> <td> Name: Lastname, Firstname. Default as Author, Photographer, Illustrator, etc. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <label for="role">as Subject: </label> <input type="checkbox" name="role" id="role" value="r" $role_value /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" style="text-align: right; padding-right: 5em;"><input type="submit" value="Search" /><input type="button" value="Reset" onclick="clearAll()" /> </td> </tr> </table> </form> <h1>Royal Purple Index: Electronic & Print</h1> EOF; $decadeYear = buildNav($browse,$dec_yr_mon_day); $main_content .='<div id="info"><h4><a href="http://www.royalpurplenews.com">Most current issue of Royal Purple</a></h4></div>'; $main_content .='<div id="RPresults">'; $main_content .=$decadeYear; if ($WHERE != "") { $query = "SELECT DISTINCT xxxxxxxx1.ID, xxxxxxxx1.ArticleTitle, xxxxxxxx1.ArticleSubtitle, xxxxxxxx1.Volume, xxxxxxxx1.Issue, xxxxxxxx1.YMD, xxxxxxxx1.SectionTitle, xxxxxxxx1.Pages, xxxxxxxx1.Descr, xxxxxxxx1.Subject1, xxxxxxxx1.Subject2, xxxxxxxx1.Subject3, xxxxxxxx1.Notes FROM xxxxxxx1 $WHERE"; //H2RESULTS if ($GET['showall'] != "true") { $query .= " LIMIT $start,$limit"; } else {$start = '0';} $result = @ mysql_query($query); $date = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT Last FROM xxxxxxx3 WHERE ID = '1'"), 0); $totalCount = @ mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT xxxxxxxx1.ID) FROM xxxxxxx1 $WHERE"), 0); $count = @ mysql_num_rows($result); if ($GET['showall'] == "true") { $page_title = substr($page_title,0,strrpos($page_title,"/")+2); $page_title .=$totalCount." Results"; } if($totalCount < $count) {$count = $totalCount;} if ($count != 0) { if ($title || $name) { $h2results = "<h2>Results (".($start + 1)."-".($start + $count)." of $totalCount) <br /> for "; if ($title) { $h2results .= " Title: <i>$cleantitle</i>"; } if ($name) { $h2results .= " Name: <i>$cleanname</i>"; } $h2results .= "</h2>"; } else { $h2results = "<h1>"; $h2results = "<h2>Results (".($start + 1)."-".($start + $count)." of $totalCount) <br /> for "; if(strlen($browse) == 3) {$h2results .= $browse.'0s';} else {$h2results .=$browse;} $h2results .= "</h2>"; } $out=$h2results.'</div><!-- navbar -->'; //SHOWALLFORM if ($totalCount >= $limit && $GET['showall'] != "true") { if(strlen($browse) != 3) { $showallform = "<div id=\"showallform\"><form method='get' action='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."' style='padding: 0; margin: 0;'>Result pages (".(ceil($totalCount / $limit))."): "; foreach (array_keys($GET) as $tmpArray) { $showallform .= "<input type='hidden' name='$tmpArray' value='".$GET[$tmpArray]."' />"; } // foreach array_keys $showallform .= "<input type='hidden' id='sum' name='sum' value=".$totalCount." /><input type='hidden' name='showall' value='true' /><input id='submitall' type='submit' value='Show all' /></form>"; } elseif(strlen($browse) == 3) { $showallform = "<div id=\"showallform\">Result pages (".(ceil($totalCount / $limit))."): <br />"; } if ($page <= 1) { $pageStart= 0; } else { $showallform .= buildLink($page - 1, "Previous")." | "; } $pageStart = $page - ($pageLimit / 2) - 1; if ($pageStart < 1) { $pageStart = 0; }; for ($i = $pageStart; $i < ($page + ($pageLimit / 2) - 5) && $i * $limit < $totalCount; $i++) { if ($i != $pageStart) { $showallform .= " | "; } if ($page != ($i + 1)) { $showallform .= buildLink($i + 1); } else { $showallform .= "<strong>".($i + 1)."</strong>"; } } //for $i if ($page * $limit < $totalCount) { $showallform .= " | ".buildLink($page + 1, "Next"); } $showallform .= "</div><!-- showallform -->"; } // if $totalCount $out .= $showallform."<br />"; //TABLE $out .= "\n<table id='rparts' cellspacing='0' border='1' summary =' '><tr><th style='width: 50%'>RP Article</th><th><div id='lft'>Subjects/Names</div><div id='rte'>*=important</div></th></tr>\n"; $lastrpID=""; while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $ID = $row[0]; if($ID != $lastrpID) { $ArticleTitle = $row[1]; $ArticleSubtitle = $row[2]; $Volume = trim($row[3]); $Issue = trim($row[4]); $YMD = $row[5]; $SectionTitle = $row[6]; $Pages = $row[7]; $Descr = trim($row[8]); $Subject1 = trim($row[9]); $Subject2 = trim($row[10]); $Subject3 = trim($row[11]); $Notes = trim($row[12]); $span = ""; if(!$SectionTitle) {$SectionTitle='';$slash="";} else {$slash=' / ';} $out .= " <tr ><td><dl><dt>$defineArt</dt><dd>$ArticleTitle"; if ($ArticleSubtitle) { $out .= " ($ArticleSubtitle)"; } $out .='</dd>'; $out .= "<dt>Royal Purple $YMD</dt>"; //want to insert authors here $p1query = "SELECT * FROM xxxxxxx2 WHERE ID='$ID' and Role not like upper('%Subject%') and Role not like upper('%VIP%') order by LastName"; $p1result = mysql_query($p1query); // // 0 ID; 1 LastName; 2 FirstName; 3 MiddleInitial; 4 NickName; 5 Role // // while ($p1row = mysql_fetch_row($p1result)) { // $P1LastName = trim($p1row[1]); // if ($p1row[2] != "") { // $P1LastName .=", $p1row[2] $p1rowp[3] $p1row[5]"; // } // else { // $P1LastName .= " $p1row[5]"; // } // $out .= "<dd>$P1LastName</dd>"; // } //while $p1row // // 0 ID; 1 LastName; 2 FirstName; 3 MiddleInitial; 4 NickName; 5 Role while ($p1row = mysql_fetch_row($p1result)) { $P1LastName = "$p1row[5] ".trim($p1row[1]); if ($p1row[3] != '') { $P1LastName .= ", $p1row[2] $p1row[3]"; } else if ($p1row[2] != "") { $P1LastName .= ", $p1row[2]"; } else { $P1LastName .= ""; } $out .= "<dd>$P1LastName</dd>"; } //While $p1row if ($Volume) { $out .= "<dd>vol. $Volume";} if ($Issue) { $out .= ", issue $Issue";} if ($Volume || $Issue) {$out .= "</dd>";} if ($Pages) { $out .= "<dd>Page $Pages$slash$SectionTitle</dd>";} if ($Descr) { $subdesc = preg_split('//', $Descr, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $out .= "<dd>"; foreach ($subdesc as $val) { $out .= "$descrip[$val]. "; } $out .="</dd>"; } if ($Notes) {$out .= "<dt>Note</dt><dd>$Notes</dd>";} $out .= "</dl></td><td>\n"; if ($Subject1) {$br ='<br />';} else {$br='';} if ($Subject1) {$out .= "<dl><dt>Subjects:</dt><dd><ol><li>$Subject1</li>";} if ($Subject2) {$out .= "<li>$Subject2</li>";} if ($Subject3) {$out .= "<li>$Subject3</li>";} $pquery = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM xxxxxxx2 WHERE ID='$ID' and (Role like upper('%Subject%') or Role like upper('%VIP%')) order by LastName"; $presult = mysql_query($pquery); $lastID = ""; // while ($prow = mysql_fetch_row($presult)) { // $PLastName = trim($prow[1]); // if ($prow[2] != "") { // $PLastName .=", $prow[2]"; // } // // $PID = $prow[0]; // if ($lastID != $PID) { // if ($lastID != "") { $out .= "</ol></dd></dl></td></tr><tr >\n"; } // $vip=trim($prow[5]); // if($vip !='VIP') {$vip="";} else {$vip="*";} // $out .= "</ol></dd><dt>Names as Subject:</dt><dd><ol><li>$PLastName$vip</li>"; // } // // else { $out .= "<li>$PLastName$vip</li>"; } // // $lastID = $PID; // // } //while $prow // while ($prow = mysql_fetch_row($presult)) { $PLastName = trim($prow[1]); if ($prow[3] != "") { $PLastName .= ", $prow[2] $prow[3]"; } else if ($prow[2] != "") { $PLastName .= ", $prow[2]"; } $PID = $prow[0]; if ($lastID != $PID) { if ($lastID != "") { $out .= "</ol></dd></dl></td></tr><tr >\n"; } $vip = trim($prow[5]); if ($vip != 'VIP') { $vip = ""; } else { $vip = "*"; $PLastName = trim($PLastName); } $out .= "</ol></dd><dt>Names as Subject:</dt><dd><ol><li>$PLastName$vip</li>"; } else { $out .= "<li>$PLastName$vip</li>"; } $lastID = $PID; } //while $prow $out .= "</ol></dd></dl></td>\n </tr>\n"; } //if $ID $lastrpID = $ID; } //while $row $out .= "</table><br />"; //SHOWALLFORMB, H2RESULTS, NAVBARB:decadeYear, $showallform = str_replace("showallform","showallformB",$showallform); $showallform .= $h2results; $out .= $showallform; $search=array('navbar','decade','year','month','day','myform'); $replace=array('navbarB','decadeB','yearB','monthB','dayB','myformB'); $decadeYear = str_replace($search,$replace,$decadeYear); $decadeYear .='</div><!-- navbarB --><br />'; $out .= $decadeYear; } // if $count!=0 else { $out .= "<br /><span id='big'>No records found</span></div><!-- navbar -->"; } } // if WHERE else { $out .= "<br /><span id='big'>No records found</span></div><!--navbar -->"; } $main_content .= $out."</div><!-- end of rpResults -->"; include('rp.tmpl.php'); function buildLink($linkPage, $title="") { if ($title == "") { $title = $linkPage; } global $_GET; if ($title == "") { $title = $linkPage; } $lReturn = "<a href='xxxxxxx4.php?"; foreach (array_keys($GET) as $tmpArray) { if ($tmpArray != "page") { $lReturn .= "$tmpArray=$GET[$tmpArray]&"; } } if ($title == "(Show All)") { $lReturn .= "showall=true"; } else { $lReturn .= "page=$linkPage"; } $lReturn .= "'>$title</a>"; return $lReturn; } function buildNav($browse,$dec_yr_mon_day) { $startselect1 = '<div id="navbar"><form action="xxxxxxx4.php" method="get" id="myform" name="myform">Decade: <select name="decade" id="decade">'; $startselect2 =" Year: <select name=\"year\" id=\"year\">"; $startselect3 =" Month: <select name=\"month\" id=\"month\">"; $startselect4 =" Day: <select name=\"day\" id=\"day\">"; $endselect1 = '</select>'; $endselect2 = '</select>'; $endselect3 = '</select>'; $endselect4 = '</select>'; $endform = '</form>'; $ddd=array_keys($dec_yr_mon_day); $yy=''; $mm=''; $dd=''; $all_select_yy='All'; $all_select_mm='All'; $all_select_dd='All'; switch (strlen($browse) ) { case 0: $end_ddd=''; break; case 3: //DDD DECADE $end_ddd=$browse; $all_select_yy='Select'; $yy=array_keys($dec_yr_mon_day[$end_ddd]); $end_yy=end($yy); break; case 4: //YYYY YEAR $end_ddd=substr($browse,0,3); $end_yy=$browse; $all_select_mm='Select'; $yy=array_keys($dec_yr_mon_day[$end_ddd]); $mm =array_keys($dec_yr_mon_day[$end_ddd][$end_yy]); $end_mm = end($mm); break; case 7: //YYYY-MM MONTH list($end_yy,$end_mm)=split('-',$browse); $end_ddd=substr($end_yy,0,3); $all_select_dd='Select'; $yy=array_keys($dec_yr_mon_day[$end_ddd]); $mm =array_keys($dec_yr_mon_day[$end_ddd][$end_yy]); $dd=$dec_yr_mon_day[$end_ddd][$end_yy][$end_mm]; $end_dd=end($dd); break; case 10: //YYYY-MM-DD DAY list($end_yy,$end_mm,$end_dd)=split('-',$browse); $end_ddd=substr($end_yy,0,3); $all_select_dd='All'; $yy=array_keys($dec_yr_mon_day[$end_ddd]); $mm=array_keys($dec_yr_mon_day[$end_ddd][$end_yy]); $dd=$dec_yr_mon_day[$end_ddd][$end_yy][$end_mm]; break; } $all_ddd='<option value="'.end($ddd).'">Select</option>'; $all_yy='<option value="'.$end_ddd.'">'.$all_select_yy.'</option>'; $all_mm='<option value="'.$end_yy.'">'.$all_select_mm.'</option>'; $all_dd='<option value="'.$end_yy.'-'.$end_mm.'">'.$all_select_dd.'</option>'; if($ddd) { foreach($ddd as $dec){ $select1 .= '<option value="'.$dec.'" '.($end_ddd==$dec?'selected="selected"':null).'>'.$dec.'0s'.'</option>'; if($end_ddd==$dec) { $all_ddd=''; } } } if(!$yy) { $all_yy=''; $startselect2=''; $endselect2=''; $select2 =' Years: <input type="text" name="year" id="year" size="3" value="All" readonly="readonly" />'; } else { foreach($yy as $yr) { $select2 .= '<option value="'.$yr.'" '.($browse==$yr?'selected="selected"':null).'>'.$yr.'</option>'; if(count($yy) == 1) { $browse=$yr; $mm =array_keys($dec_yr_mon_day[$end_ddd][$end_yy]); $end_mm = end($mm); $all_yy=''; $startselect2=''; $endselect2=''; $select2 =' Year: <input type="text" name="year" id="year" size="4" value="'.$yr.'" readonly="readonly" />'; } } } if(!$mm) { $all_mm=''; $startselect3=''; $endselect3=''; $select3 =' Months: <input type="text" name="month" id="month" size="3" value="All" readonly="readonly" />'; } else { foreach($mm as $mon) { $check=$browse; if(strlen($browse)>7) {$check=$end_yy.'-'.$end_mm;} $select3 .= '<option value="'.$end_yy.'-'.$mon.'" '.($check==$end_yy.'-'.$mon?'selected="selected"':null).'>'.$mon.'</option>'; if(count($mm) == 1) { $dd =$dec_yr_mon_day[$end_ddd][$end_yy][$end_mm]; $end_dd=end($dd); $all_mm=''; $all_dd='<option value="'.$end_yy.'-'.$end_mm.'">Select</option>'; $startselect3=''; $endselect3=''; $select3 =' Month: <input type="text" name="month" id="month" size="2" value="'.$mon.'" readonly="readonly" />'; } } } if(!$dd) { $all_dd=''; $startselect4=''; $endselect4=''; $select4 =' Days: <input type="text" name="day" id="day" size="3" value="All" readonly="readonly" />'; } else { foreach($dd as $day) { $select4 .= '<option value="'.$end_yy.'-'.$end_mm.'-'.$day.'" '.($browse==$end_yy.'-'.$end_mm.'-'.$day?'selected="selected"':null).'>'.$day.'</option>'; if(count($dd)==1) { $all_dd=''; $startselect4=''; $endselect4=''; $select4 =' Day: <input type="text" name="day" id="day" size="2" value="'.$day.'" readonly="readonly" />'; } else if(strlen($browse)==10){ $all_dd='<option value="'.$end_yy.'-'.$end_mm.'">All</option>'; } } } $navbar.= $startselect1.$all_ddd.$select1.$endselect1; $navbar.= $startselect2.$all_yy.$select2.$endselect2; $navbar.= $startselect3.$all_mm.$select3.$endselect3; $navbar.= $startselect4.$all_dd.$select4.$endselect4.$endform; return($navbar); } ?> MOD EDIT: . . . tags added.
  3. Be confident that all of the $HTTP_GET_VARS were changed to $_GET (versus $GET). I also changed <form method="get" name="search" id="search_x" action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF;?>"> to <form method="get" name="search" id="search_x" action="">. The notice warning messages read: Notice: Undefined variable: GET in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 23 Notice: Undefined variable: GET in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 28 Notice: Undefined variable: GET in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 30 Notice: Undefined variable: GET in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 32 Notice: Undefined variable: GET in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 136 Notice: Undefined variable: end_mm in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 564 Notice: Undefined variable: select1 in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 568 Notice: Undefined variable: select2 in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 582 Notice: Undefined variable: navbar in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 635 Notice: Undefined variable: GET in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 211 Notice: Undefined variable: GET in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 221 Notice: Undefined variable: GET in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 251 Notice: Undefined variable: GET in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 467 Warning: array_keys(): The first argument should be an array in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 467 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 467 Notice: Undefined variable: GET in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 467 Warning: array_keys(): The first argument should be an array in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 467 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 467 Notice: Undefined variable: GET in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 467 Warning: array_keys(): The first argument should be an array in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 467 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 467 Notice: Undefined variable: GET in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 467 Warning: array_keys(): The first argument should be an array in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 467 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 467 Notice: Undefined variable: GET in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 467 Warning: array_keys(): The first argument should be an array in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 467 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 467 Notice: Undefined variable: GET in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 467 Warning: array_keys(): The first argument should be an array in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 467 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 467
  4. If I change change “$HTTP_GET_VARS” to “$_GET” and “$HTTP_POST_VARS” to “$_POST,” the notices and warnings are: Notice: Undefined variable: GET in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 23 Notice: Undefined variable: GET in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 28 Notice: Undefined variable: GET in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 30 Notice: Undefined variable: GET in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 32 Notice: Undefined variable: GET in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 136 Notice: Undefined variable: PHP_SELF in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 150 Notice: Undefined variable: end_mm in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 564 Notice: Undefined variable: select1 in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 568 Notice: Undefined variable: select2 in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 582 Notice: Undefined variable: navbar in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 635 Notice: Undefined variable: GET in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 211 Notice: Undefined variable: GET in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 221 Notice: Undefined variable: GET in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 251 Warning: array_keys(): The first argument should be an array in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 467 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 467 Warning: array_keys(): The first argument should be an array in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 467 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 467 Warning: array_keys(): The first argument should be an array in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 467 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 467 Warning: array_keys(): The first argument should be an array in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 467 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 467 Warning: array_keys(): The first argument should be an array in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 467 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 467 Warning: array_keys(): The first argument should be an array in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 467 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /xxx/www/xxxxxx/xxx/library/xxxxxxxxxxx/showrp.php on line 467
  5. The source code was an attachment to my first e-mail message and I have pasted it below as well. <?php @ require ("xx.xxx.php"); $limit = 50; $pageLimit = 20; $t = " "; $CLASS = 'lib'; $defineArt = 'Title'; if (!$page = $HTTP_GET_VARS ) { $page = 1; } $start = ($page - 1) * $limit; $title = htmlspecialchars($HTTP_GET_VARS[title]); $cleantitle = stripslashes($title); $name = htmlspecialchars($HTTP_GET_VARS[nom]); $cleanname = stripslashes($name); $browse = htmlspecialchars($HTTP_GET_VARS[browse]); // (roles Author Compiler Illustrator Photographer Subject VIP) use. $descrip = array("a" => "Illustrations", "b" => "Photographs", "c" => "Portraits", "d" => "Maps", "e" => "Charts", "f" => "Music", "g" => "Forms", "h" => "Facsimiles", "i" => "Plans", "j" => "GenealTables", "k" => "Samples"); // OPEN MYSQL CONNECTION $conn = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass); mysql_select_db($db, $conn); // ARRAY DISTINCT DECADES YEARS MONTHS DAYS $year_q = @ mysql_query("select distinct YMD from xxxxxxxx1 order by YMD"); while ($rw = mysql_fetch_row($year_q)) { $ymd[] = $rw[0]; } foreach($ymd as $y_m_d) { list($y, $m, $d) = split("-", $y_m_d); $de = substr($y, 0, 3); $dec_yr_mon_day[$de][$y][$m][] = $d; } //PAGE TITLE $page_title = "Royal Purple Index: "; if ($title || $name) { $page_title .= "Search("; if ($title) { $page_title .= " $cleantitle"; } if ($name) { $page_title .= " $cleanname"; } $page_title .= " )"; } else if ($browse) { if (strlen($browse) == 3) { $page_title .= $browse.'0s'; } else { $page_title .= $browse; } } else { $page_title .= substr(end($ymd), 0, 3).'0s '; } $page_title .= " / Page $page"; $WHERE = ""; if ($title) { $WHERE = "WHERE (xxxxxxxx1.ArticleTitle LIKE '"; if ($HTTP_GET_VARS[stype] != "^") { $WHERE .= "%"; } $WHERE .= "$title%' OR xxxxxxxx1.ArticleSubtitle LIKE '%$title%' OR xxxxxxxx1.Subject1 LIKE '%$title%' OR xxxxxxxx1.Subject2 LIKE '%$title%' OR xxxxxxxx1.Subject3 LIKE '%$title%' OR xxxxxxxx1.YMD LIKE '%$title%' OR xxxxxxxx1.Notes LIKE '%$title%')"; } if ($name) { $name = trim($name," .\n"); $name = preg_replace("/[\s,\.]+/",',',$name); list($Lname,$Fname,$Mname) = split("[,. ]", $name); $Lname=trim($Lname); if ($WHERE != "") { $WHERE .= " AND xxxxxxx2.LastName LIKE '"; } else { $WHERE = "WHERE xxxxxxx2.LastName LIKE '"; } $WHERE = "INNER JOIN xxxxxxx2 USING(ID) ".$WHERE; if ($_GET[role] == "r") { $more = "(xxxxxxx2.Role LIKE '%Subject%' OR xxxxxxx2.Role LIKE '%VIP%')"; } else { $more = "xxxxxxx2.Role NOT LIKE '%Subject%' AND xxxxxxx2.Role NOT LIKE '%VIP%'"; } if ($Mname) { $Mname = trim($Mname); $Fname = trim($Fname); $WHERE .= "$Lname%' AND xxxxxxx2.FirstName LIKE '$Fname%' AND xxxxxxx2.MIddleInitial LIKE '$Mname%' AND $more"; } else if ($Fname) { $Fname = trim($Fname); $WHERE .= "$Lname%' AND xxxxxxx2.FirstName LIKE '$Fname%' AND $more"; } else { $WHERE .= "$Lname%' AND $more"; } } if ($title == '' && $name == '' && $browse == '') { $browse = substr(end($ymd), 0, 3); } if ($browse != "") { $WHERE = "WHERE xxxxxxxx1.YMD "; $WHERE .= "LIKE '$browse%'"; } // else if ($title == '' && $name == '' && $browse == '') { // $browse = substr(end($ymd), 0, 3); // } $WHERE .= " ORDER BY xxxxxxxx1.YMD DESC, xxxxxxxx1.ArticleTitle ASC"; $role_value = ""; if ($HTTP_GET_VARS[role] == "r") { $role_value = "checked='checked' "; } $main_content = <<< EOF <!-- BEGIN MAIN CONTENT HERE --> <div><!--BEGIN xxxxxx4 --> <form method="get" name="search" id="search_x" action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF;?>"> <table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"> <tr> <td> <label for="title" accesskey="T">Title/Subject/Issue: </label> <input type="text" size="40" name="title" id="title" value="$cleantitle" /> </td> <td> <label for="nom" accesskey="A">Name: </label> <input type="text" size="40" name="nom" id="nom" value="$cleanname" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Issue: YYYY-MM-DD numeric date format </td> <td> Name: Lastname, Firstname. Default as Author, Photographer, Illustrator, etc. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <label for="role">as Subject: </label> <input type="checkbox" name="role" id="role" value="r" $role_value /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" style="text-align: right; padding-right: 5em;"><input type="submit" value="search" /><input type="button" value="Reset" onclick="clearAll()" /> </td> </tr> </table> </form> <h1>Royal Purple Index: Electronic & Print</h1> EOF; $decadeYear = buildNav($browse,$dec_yr_mon_day); $main_content .='<div id="info"><h4><a href="http://www.royalpurplenews.com">Most current issue of Royal Purple</a></h4></div>'; $main_content .='<div id="RPresults">'; $main_content .=$decadeYear; if ($WHERE != "") { $query = "SELECT DISTINCT xxxxxxxx1.ID, xxxxxxxx1.ArticleTitle, xxxxxxxx1.ArticleSubtitle, xxxxxxxx1.Volume, xxxxxxxx1.Issue, xxxxxxxx1.YMD, xxxxxxxx1.SectionTitle, xxxxxxxx1.Pages, xxxxxxxx1.Descr, xxxxxxxx1.Subject1, xxxxxxxx1.Subject2, xxxxxxxx1.Subject3, xxxxxxxx1.Notes FROM xxxxxxxx1 $WHERE"; //H2RESULTS if ($HTTP_GET_VARS[showall] != "true") { $query .= " LIMIT $start,$limit"; } else {$start = '0';} $result = @ mysql_query($query); $date = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT Last FROM xxxxxxx3 WHERE ID = '1'"), 0); $totalCount = @ mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT xxxxxxxx1.ID) FROM xxxxxxxx1 $WHERE"), 0); $count = @ mysql_num_rows($result); if ($HTTP_GET_VARS[showall] == "true") { $page_title = substr($page_title,0,strrpos($page_title,"/")+2); $page_title .=$totalCount." Results"; } if($totalCount < $count) {$count = $totalCount;} if ($count != 0) { if ($title || $name) { $h2results = "<h2>Results (".($start + 1)."-".($start + $count)." of $totalCount) <br /> for "; if ($title) { $h2results .= " Title: <i>$cleantitle</i>"; } if ($name) { $h2results .= " Name: <i>$cleanname</i>"; } $h2results .= "</h2>"; } else { $h2results = "<h1>"; $h2results = "<h2>Results (".($start + 1)."-".($start + $count)." of $totalCount) <br /> for "; if(strlen($browse) == 3) {$h2results .= $browse.'0s';} else {$h2results .=$browse;} $h2results .= "</h2>"; } $out=$h2results.'</div><!-- navbar -->'; //SHOWALLFORM if ($totalCount >= $limit && $HTTP_GET_VARS[showall] != "true") { if(strlen($browse) != 3) { $showallform = "<div id=\"showallform\"><form method='get' action='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."' style='padding: 0; margin: 0;'>Result pages (".(ceil($totalCount / $limit))."): "; foreach (array_keys($HTTP_GET_VARS) as $tmpArray) { $showallform .= "<input type='hidden' name='$tmpArray' value='".$HTTP_GET_VARS[$tmpArray]."' />"; } // foreach array_keys $showallform .= "<input type='hidden' id='sum' name='sum' value=".$totalCount." /><input type='hidden' name='showall' value='true' /><input id='submitall' type='submit' value='Show all' /></form>"; } elseif(strlen($browse) == 3) { $showallform = "<div id=\"showallform\">Result pages (".(ceil($totalCount / $limit))."): <br />"; } if ($page <= 1) { $pageStart= 0; } else { $showallform .= buildLink($page - 1, "Previous")." | "; } $pageStart = $page - ($pageLimit / 2) - 1; if ($pageStart < 1) { $pageStart = 0; }; for ($i = $pageStart; $i < ($page + ($pageLimit / 2) - 5) && $i * $limit < $totalCount; $i++) { if ($i != $pageStart) { $showallform .= " | "; } if ($page != ($i + 1)) { $showallform .= buildLink($i + 1); } else { $showallform .= "<strong>".($i + 1)."</strong>"; } } //for $i if ($page * $limit < $totalCount) { $showallform .= " | ".buildLink($page + 1, "Next"); } $showallform .= "</div><!-- showallform -->"; } // if $totalCount $out .= $showallform."<br />"; //TABLE $out .= "\n<table id='rparts' cellspacing='0' border='1' summary =' '><tr><th style='width: 50%'>RP Article</th><th><div id='lft'>Subjects/Names</div><div id='rte'>*=important</div></th></tr>\n"; $lastrpID=""; while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $ID = $row[0]; if($ID != $lastrpID) { $ArticleTitle = $row[1]; $ArticleSubtitle = $row[2]; $Volume = trim($row[3]); $Issue = trim($row[4]); $YMD = $row[5]; $SectionTitle = $row[6]; $Pages = $row[7]; $Descr = trim($row[8]); $Subject1 = trim($row[9]); $Subject2 = trim($row[10]); $Subject3 = trim($row[11]); $Notes = trim($row[12]); $span = ""; if(!$SectionTitle) {$SectionTitle='';$slash="";} else {$slash=' / ';} $out .= " <tr ><td><dl><dt>$defineArt</dt><dd>$ArticleTitle"; if ($ArticleSubtitle) { $out .= " ($ArticleSubtitle)"; } $out .='</dd>'; $out .= "<dt>Royal Purple $YMD</dt>"; //want to insert authors here $p1query = "SELECT * FROM xxxxxxx2 WHERE ID='$ID' and Role not like upper('%Subject%') and Role not like upper('%VIP%') order by LastName"; $p1result = mysql_query($p1query); // // 0 ID; 1 LastName; 2 FirstName; 3 MiddleInitial; 4 NickName; 5 Role // // while ($p1row = mysql_fetch_row($p1result)) { // $P1LastName = trim($p1row[1]); // if ($p1row[2] != "") { // $P1LastName .=", $p1row[2] $p1rowp[3] $p1row[5]"; // } // else { // $P1LastName .= " $p1row[5]"; // } // $out .= "<dd>$P1LastName</dd>"; // } //while $p1row // // 0 ID; 1 LastName; 2 FirstName; 3 MiddleInitial; 4 NickName; 5 Role while ($p1row = mysql_fetch_row($p1result)) { $P1LastName = "$p1row[5] ".trim($p1row[1]); if ($p1row[3] != '') { $P1LastName .= ", $p1row[2] $p1row[3]"; } else if ($p1row[2] != "") { $P1LastName .= ", $p1row[2]"; } else { $P1LastName .= ""; } $out .= "<dd>$P1LastName</dd>"; } //While $p1row if ($Volume) { $out .= "<dd>vol. $Volume";} if ($Issue) { $out .= ", issue $Issue";} if ($Volume || $Issue) {$out .= "</dd>";} if ($Pages) { $out .= "<dd>Page $Pages$slash$SectionTitle</dd>";} if ($Descr) { $subdesc = preg_split('//', $Descr, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $out .= "<dd>"; foreach ($subdesc as $val) { $out .= "$descrip[$val]. "; } $out .="</dd>"; } if ($Notes) {$out .= "<dt>Note</dt><dd>$Notes</dd>";} $out .= "</dl></td><td>\n"; if ($Subject1) {$br ='<br />';} else {$br='';} if ($Subject1) {$out .= "<dl><dt>Subjects:</dt><dd><ol><li>$Subject1</li>";} if ($Subject2) {$out .= "<li>$Subject2</li>";} if ($Subject3) {$out .= "<li>$Subject3</li>";} $pquery = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM xxxxxxx2 WHERE ID='$ID' and (Role like upper('%Subject%') or Role like upper('%VIP%')) order by LastName"; $presult = mysql_query($pquery); $lastID = ""; // while ($prow = mysql_fetch_row($presult)) { // $PLastName = trim($prow[1]); // if ($prow[2] != "") { // $PLastName .=", $prow[2]"; // } // // $PID = $prow[0]; // if ($lastID != $PID) { // if ($lastID != "") { $out .= "</ol></dd></dl></td></tr><tr >\n"; } // $vip=trim($prow[5]); // if($vip !='VIP') {$vip="";} else {$vip="*";} // $out .= "</ol></dd><dt>Names as Subject:</dt><dd><ol><li>$PLastName$vip</li>"; // } // // else { $out .= "<li>$PLastName$vip</li>"; } // // $lastID = $PID; // // } //while $prow // while ($prow = mysql_fetch_row($presult)) { $PLastName = trim($prow[1]); if ($prow[3] != "") { $PLastName .= ", $prow[2] $prow[3]"; } else if ($prow[2] != "") { $PLastName .= ", $prow[2]"; } $PID = $prow[0]; if ($lastID != $PID) { if ($lastID != "") { $out .= "</ol></dd></dl></td></tr><tr >\n"; } $vip = trim($prow[5]); if ($vip != 'VIP') { $vip = ""; } else { $vip = "*"; $PLastName = trim($PLastName); } $out .= "</ol></dd><dt>Names as Subject:</dt><dd><ol><li>$PLastName$vip</li>"; } else { $out .= "<li>$PLastName$vip</li>"; } $lastID = $PID; } //while $prow $out .= "</ol></dd></dl></td>\n </tr>\n"; } //if $ID $lastrpID = $ID; } //while $row $out .= "</table><br />"; //SHOWALLFORMB, H2RESULTS, NAVBARB:decadeYear, $showallform = str_replace("showallform","showallformB",$showallform); $showallform .= $h2results; $out .= $showallform; $search=array('navbar','decade','year','month','day','myform'); $replace=array('navbarB','decadeB','yearB','monthB','dayB','myformB'); $decadeYear = str_replace($search,$replace,$decadeYear); $decadeYear .='</div><!-- navbarB --><br />'; $out .= $decadeYear; } // if $count!=0 else { $out .= "<br /><span id='big'>No records found</span></div><!-- navbar -->"; } } // if WHERE else { $out .= "<br /><span id='big'>No records found</span></div><!--navbar -->"; } $main_content .= $out."</div><!-- end of rpResults -->"; include('rp.tmpl.php'); function buildLink($linkPage, $title="") { if ($title == "") { $title = $linkPage; } global $HTTP_GET_VARS; if ($title == "") { $title = $linkPage; } $lReturn = "<a href='xxxxxx4.php?"; foreach (array_keys($HTTP_GET_VARS) as $tmpArray) { if ($tmpArray != "page") { $lReturn .= "$tmpArray=$HTTP_GET_VARS[$tmpArray]&"; } } if ($title == "(Show All)") { $lReturn .= "showall=true"; } else { $lReturn .= "page=$linkPage"; } $lReturn .= "'>$title</a>"; return $lReturn; } function buildNav($browse,$dec_yr_mon_day) { $startselect1 = '<div id="navbar"><form action="xxxxxx4.php" method="get" id="myform" name="myform">Decade: <select name="decade" id="decade">'; $startselect2 =" Year: <select name=\"year\" id=\"year\">"; $startselect3 =" Month: <select name=\"month\" id=\"month\">"; $startselect4 =" Day: <select name=\"day\" id=\"day\">"; $endselect1 = '</select>'; $endselect2 = '</select>'; $endselect3 = '</select>'; $endselect4 = '</select>'; $endform = '</form>'; $ddd=array_keys($dec_yr_mon_day); $yy=''; $mm=''; $dd=''; $all_select_yy='All'; $all_select_mm='All'; $all_select_dd='All'; switch (strlen($browse) ) { case 0: $end_ddd=''; break; case 3: //DDD DECADE $end_ddd=$browse; $all_select_yy='Select'; $yy=array_keys($dec_yr_mon_day[$end_ddd]); $end_yy=end($yy); break; case 4: //YYYY YEAR $end_ddd=substr($browse,0,3); $end_yy=$browse; $all_select_mm='Select'; $yy=array_keys($dec_yr_mon_day[$end_ddd]); $mm =array_keys($dec_yr_mon_day[$end_ddd][$end_yy]); $end_mm = end($mm); break; case 7: //YYYY-MM MONTH list($end_yy,$end_mm)=split('-',$browse); $end_ddd=substr($end_yy,0,3); $all_select_dd='Select'; $yy=array_keys($dec_yr_mon_day[$end_ddd]); $mm =array_keys($dec_yr_mon_day[$end_ddd][$end_yy]); $dd=$dec_yr_mon_day[$end_ddd][$end_yy][$end_mm]; $end_dd=end($dd); break; case 10: //YYYY-MM-DD DAY list($end_yy,$end_mm,$end_dd)=split('-',$browse); $end_ddd=substr($end_yy,0,3); $all_select_dd='All'; $yy=array_keys($dec_yr_mon_day[$end_ddd]); $mm=array_keys($dec_yr_mon_day[$end_ddd][$end_yy]); $dd=$dec_yr_mon_day[$end_ddd][$end_yy][$end_mm]; break; } $all_ddd='<option value="'.end($ddd).'">Select</option>'; $all_yy='<option value="'.$end_ddd.'">'.$all_select_yy.'</option>'; $all_mm='<option value="'.$end_yy.'">'.$all_select_mm.'</option>'; $all_dd='<option value="'.$end_yy.'-'.$end_mm.'">'.$all_select_dd.'</option>'; if($ddd) { foreach($ddd as $dec){ $select1 .= '<option value="'.$dec.'" '.($end_ddd==$dec?'selected="selected"':null).'>'.$dec.'0s'.'</option>'; if($end_ddd==$dec) { $all_ddd=''; } } } if(!$yy) { $all_yy=''; $startselect2=''; $endselect2=''; $select2 =' Years: <input type="text" name="year" id="year" size="3" value="All" readonly="readonly" />'; } else { foreach($yy as $yr) { $select2 .= '<option value="'.$yr.'" '.($browse==$yr?'selected="selected"':null).'>'.$yr.'</option>'; if(count($yy) == 1) { $browse=$yr; $mm =array_keys($dec_yr_mon_day[$end_ddd][$end_yy]); $end_mm = end($mm); $all_yy=''; $startselect2=''; $endselect2=''; $select2 =' Year: <input type="text" name="year" id="year" size="4" value="'.$yr.'" readonly="readonly" />'; } } } if(!$mm) { $all_mm=''; $startselect3=''; $endselect3=''; $select3 =' Months: <input type="text" name="month" id="month" size="3" value="All" readonly="readonly" />'; } else { foreach($mm as $mon) { $check=$browse; if(strlen($browse)>7) {$check=$end_yy.'-'.$end_mm;} $select3 .= '<option value="'.$end_yy.'-'.$mon.'" '.($check==$end_yy.'-'.$mon?'selected="selected"':null).'>'.$mon.'</option>'; if(count($mm) == 1) { $dd =$dec_yr_mon_day[$end_ddd][$end_yy][$end_mm]; $end_dd=end($dd); $all_mm=''; $all_dd='<option value="'.$end_yy.'-'.$end_mm.'">Select</option>'; $startselect3=''; $endselect3=''; $select3 =' Month: <input type="text" name="month" id="month" size="2" value="'.$mon.'" readonly="readonly" />'; } } } if(!$dd) { $all_dd=''; $startselect4=''; $endselect4=''; $select4 =' Days: <input type="text" name="day" id="day" size="3" value="All" readonly="readonly" />'; } else { foreach($dd as $day) { $select4 .= '<option value="'.$end_yy.'-'.$end_mm.'-'.$day.'" '.($browse==$end_yy.'-'.$end_mm.'-'.$day?'selected="selected"':null).'>'.$day.'</option>'; if(count($dd)==1) { $all_dd=''; $startselect4=''; $endselect4=''; $select4 =' Day: <input type="text" name="day" id="day" size="2" value="'.$day.'" readonly="readonly" />'; } else if(strlen($browse)==10){ $all_dd='<option value="'.$end_yy.'-'.$end_mm.'">All</option>'; } } } $navbar.= $startselect1.$all_ddd.$select1.$endselect1; $navbar.= $startselect2.$all_yy.$select2.$endselect2; $navbar.= $startselect3.$all_mm.$select3.$endselect3; $navbar.= $startselect4.$all_dd.$select4.$endselect4.$endform; return($navbar); } ?> MOD EDIT: . . . tags added.
  6. I have attached the error report. From PHP 5.0.3 and after, predefined arrays such HTTP_GET_VARS are disabled by default. My IT department will NOT change the value of the "register_long_arrays" setting to "On" (due to performance issues). The IT department suggested a search-n-replace to change “$HTTP_GET_VARS” with “$_GET” or “$HTTP_POST_VARS” with “$_POST.” This did not work. So the problem has been re-defined as the need to change how HTTP_GET_VARS and HTTP_POST_VARS are being handled (as shared in the original source code). Any ideas? [attachment deleted by admin]
  7. My local IT department is migrating to a "hardened" LAMP/PHP environment. The PHP application at http://library.uww.edu/php/showrp.php is being moved to this new "hardened" environment and the "Title/Subject/Issue:" search option does not work in this environment. The "Title/Subject/Issue:" search option does however work within the "non-hardened" environment at http://library.uww.edu/php/showrp.php. Attached is the source code for the showrp.php. What is likely causing the failure of the "Title/Subject/Issue:" search option. [attachment deleted by admin]
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