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Jersey Juggalo

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Everything posted by Jersey Juggalo

  1. Ok while I am sure this is an easy fix for most people I am lost here.. First here is the link to the page in question.. As you can see in the Contact Information area there seems to be some coding problems with the Email and MSN portions.. http://www.meanguns.cz.cc/index.php?mod=users&action=view&id=1 Now here is the Code.. I took this code from the view.php file if the code needed is in another file I might need more help $content = cs_html_mail($cs_user['users_email']); if(in_array('users_email',$hidden)) { $content = empty($allow) ? '--' : cs_html_italic(1) . $content . cs_html_italic(0); } $data['users']['email'] = empty($cs_user['users_email']) ? '--' : $content; $cs_user['users_url'] = cs_secure($cs_user['users_url']); $content = cs_html_link('http://' . $cs_user['users_url'],$cs_user['users_url']); if(in_array('users_url',$hidden)) { $content = empty($allow) ? '--' : cs_html_italic(1) . $content . cs_html_italic(0); } $data['users']['url'] = empty($cs_user['users_url']) ? '--' : $content; $cs_icqstart = 'http://web.icq.com/whitepages/online?icq='; $content = cs_html_link('http://www.icq.com/' . $cs_user['users_icq'],$cs_user['users_icq']); $content .= ' ' . cs_html_img($cs_icqstart . $cs_user['users_icq'] . '&img=22','16','15'); if(in_array('users_icq',$hidden)) { $content = empty($allow) ? '--' : cs_html_italic(1) . $content . cs_html_italic(0); } $data['users']['icq'] = empty($cs_user['users_icq']) ? '--' : $content; $cs_user['users_msn'] = cs_secure($cs_user['users_msn']); # $content = cs_html_link('http://members.msn.com/' . $cs_user['users_msn'],$cs_user['users_msn']); $content = cs_html_msnmail($cs_user['users_msn']); if(in_array('users_msn',$hidden)) { $content = empty($allow) ? '--' : cs_html_italic(1) . $content . cs_html_italic(0); } $data['users']['msn'] = empty($cs_user['users_msn']) ? '--' : $content;
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