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Everything posted by denisetrethewey

  1. Worked a charm! Thank you soooooooo much you saved me lots of heartache!! xx
  2. Thanks so much for replying! I did try that but I'm a little clueless and I don't really understand the variables nor mess anything up. What would I change it to?
  3. I found this code which makes a BMI Calculator (Form) for me however when I click on submit it takes the user back to the index page ie. domain.com/index.php. How do I change it to go to, say, domain.com/calculator.php ? The code is below: <? /** * @package Module Body Mass Index Calculator for Joomla! 1.5 * @version $Id: mod_bodymassindexcalculator.php 599 2010-03-20 23:26:33Z you $ **/ defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' ); $heightcm=$_POST["heightcm"]; $weightkg=$_POST["weightkg"]; if ($heightcm!="" && $weightkg!="") { $heightm = $heightcm / 100; $bmi=round($weightkg / ($heightm*$heightm),1); echo "Heigth, m: ".$heightm."<br />"; echo "Weigth, kg: ".$weightkg."<br />"; echo "Body Mass Index (BMI): ".$bmi."<br />"; echo "<strong>"; if ($bmi<16.5) {echo "Severely Underweight</strong><br />";} if ($bmi>=16.5 && $bmi<=18.4) {echo "Underweight</strong><br />";} if ($bmi>=18.5 && $bmi<=24.9) {echo "Normal</strong><br />";} if ($bmi>=25 && $bmi<=29.9) {echo "Overweight</strong><br />";} if ($bmi>=30 && $bmi<=34.9) {echo "Obese Class I</strong><br />";} if ($bmi>=35 && $bmi<=39.9) {echo "Obese Class II</strong><br />";} if ($bmi>=40) {echo "Obese Class III</strong><br />";} echo "<br />"; } $domain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $path = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; $queryString = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; $url = "http://" . $domain . $path; $url3 = "http://" . $domain . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $mystring1="?"; $s1=strpos($url3,$mystring1); if($s1==0) {$url2=$url3;} if($s1!=0) {$url2=substr($url3,0,$s1);} $path = $url2; //1 foot = 0.3048 meters //1 inch = 2.54 centimeters //1 pound = 0.45359237 kilograms $n1=230; echo "<table style=\"width: 100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\"><tr><td valign=\"top\">"; //echo "<h3>BMI Calculator</h3>"; echo "<form action=\"".$path."\" method=\"post\" >"; echo "<strong>Height</strong><br />"; echo "<select name=\"heightcm\" >"; for ($i=30; $i<=$n1; $i++){ echo "<option value=\"$i\">".$i." cm / ".floor($i / 30.48)." ft ".round(($i-(floor($i / 30.48)*30.48)) / 2.54, 1)." in </option>";} echo "</select>"; echo "<br />"; echo "<strong>Weight</strong><br />"; echo "<select name=\"weightkg\" >"; for ($i=30; $i<=$n1; $i++){ echo "<option value=\"$i\">".$i." kg / ".round($i / 0.45359237,2)." pounds </option>";} echo "</select>"; echo "<br />"; //echo "<input name=\"searchterm\" type=text size=\"27\" class=\"ns1\">"; echo "<br />"; echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Calculate\" name=\"B1\">"; echo "</form><br />"; //DON'T REMOVE THIS LINK - DO NOT VIOLATE GNU/GPL LICENSE!!! echo "<a href=\"http://nutritioncaloriecounter.com\">Nutrition Calorie Counter</a>"; //DON'T REMOVE THIS LINK - DO NOT VIOLATE GNU/GPL LICENSE!!! echo "</td></tr></table>"; ?>
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